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Do I regret what I just did? Maybe. Should I forgive him? I don't know? Do I love him? More than the world, but the question is: is he worth my loving? Right about now, Jacob isn't even worth the same air I breathe. He's actually made me hate him a little bit. If he loved me so much, he would have never left me. I actually though we would have a future. A new place to live in, little Jacob Jr. Running around the household. A fantasy life. But like dreams, Fantasies may never come true.

Jacob has this effect on me that I continue to fall into. I can't keep forgiving him over and over each time he messes up. He needs to know this feeling for a while , and maybe, just maybe, I might forgive him. Anyways, I wasn't going to let Jacob mess up my morning. I headed to the park to go for a nice stroll. The park seemed like the most pleasant and peaceful place in the morning.

Kids were in school, adults were at work. I was practically the only one in the park. Good. I seemed to think better when I'm in the park or listening to music. But right now, I don't want to think, I want to relax and let go. Its a beautiful spring day. The grass seemed greener than usual. The birds weren't as chirpy. It was perfect.

I saw some swings and walked over to them. I began to swing myself and let loose. The sensation of relaxation was overcoming me. I was at peace. I flew my head back and just let the wind blow through my hair. Man, this felt good. Absolutely nothing could get me out of this comfort.

As my eyes were closed, and the wind was blurring my hearing, I didn't notice that Jacob was standing in front of me. "Babe..." he called me. I heard it, but I was so zoned out that that I was practically deaf. He probably noticed that I was zoned out because he didn't say anything to disturb me. He took a seat in the swing next to me and he began to watch me. I didn't know he was sitting there. I was so relaxed and in my happy place that I blocked out all outside noises.

I didn't know Jacob was sitting next to me until he grabbed the chain of the swing and stopped me. Remind you, I was swinging at a rather fast paste. So when he stopped me. I literally almost fell out the swing.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?!" I yelled.

"Can you please listen too me?"

He actually followed me all the way to the park, just to bother me.

"There's nothing to talk about. Bye, Jacob." I stood up and began walking home.

"Listen to me!" He said as he began following after me.


He followed me all the way until we got to the building.

"Jacob leave me alone!" I sternly said as I got on the elevator. He ran on also and Continued to bug me our way up. As usual, I pressed my floor button and he pressed his.

"Baby, I'm Sorry. Just hear me out." He said practically about to cry.

I gave in and said "Begin then." He took a deep breath and started.

"Out of this entire time of our break, I haven't seen anyone. I was still committed to you. All these women on my Job, Well ex job, have been coming on to me. When they would ask 'Are you single?' I would happily say 'Taken and I have a baby on the way'" I wanted to forgive him right then and there, but How do I know if He's lying? "...Out of all this time apart, I realized that this break was a big mistake. I forgive you fully for everything. I need you back badly. Overall I'm trying to say that I love you and I'm so so Sorry."

I love him too, but I'm not dumb. I need to think on it. I was just staring into his eyes. They showed me that he was Sorry. Just then the elevator doors opened on my floor. I Began to walk off the elevator.

"I need time to think." I said to Jacob. He gently grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. He kissed me on my cheek and said

"Take all the time you need.... I'll wait." He sincerely smiled. I gave him a warming smile back and walked to my apartment.

I know this is gonna be hard....

The next day, I was still thinking highly of whether or not to forgive Jacob. I do want him back, but I'm not dumb. Anyways, Diggy and Joey came over last night and spent the night. While Joey and my mom were laid in her bed cuddled while sleeping, Diggy was laid out on the couch snoring his life away. I shook my head in shame. I was also plotting something. I loved messing with Diggy. He's like a pet. I went in the kitchen got a tray of ice. I took out 2 ice cubes and put them in Diggy's shorts. As soon as the ice started to melt Diggy woke up.

"Why is my butt so cold?" He asked himself. He felt his butt and felt the cold melted ice. "The fuck? I peed on myself?" I couldn't contain my laughter. He looked so clueless. I couldn't help but be so attracted to his voice. It sounded so deep and sexy in the morning.

He heard me chuckling behind him and he he sucked his teeth.

"Why you always playing Brittny.. " he complained as he turned around and went back to sleep. I continued to laugh, but then a knock at the door interrupted. I went to open it and a black guy that looked like the butler Jeffrey from Fresh Prince of Bel Air was holding a box.

"For Mrs. Brittny Perez." He handed me the box then he just left. He didn't say where it was from or 'Have a nice day' afterwards. He just gave me the box and left.

I was wondering why he called Me 'Brittny Perez', but as soon as I opened the box, I knew why. Jacob 'anonymously' sent me some roses and chocolate. I smelt the roses then noticed a card in them. The card read:

"Everyone thinks better with roses and chocolate! ~ Love, Jacob."

I'm not gonna lie, I blushed. No one has ever bought me roses. He's making the answer "No" so hard to say.

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