chapter 2 : Peaceful day

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It was a good morning day in Adventure Bay , all of the pups are playing at the lookout backyard except for Rocky . He is looking at his scar on his left side face at the mirror . Then , Tundra walk up to him .

Tundra : It's everything okay Ro-Ro ?

Rocky : Oh nothing ... Just looking at my scar .

Tundra : Happening when that undead wizard is attacking you ?

Rocky : Yep .

Tundra : Look , I'm happy to see you are okay . We are worry sick about you .

Rocky : Yeah . And I glad you are on our team now , better than the undead wizard .

Tundra : Yeah , I was feeling the same thing . Do you want to us for a football game ?

Rocky : Sure .

Rocky and Tundra exit the lookout and join the pups playing football game at the lookout backyard .

Chase : Hey , have you all heard there's a new building at Adventure City ?

Rubble : No , we haven't heard about a new building at Adventure City .

Marshall : What is it ?

Chase : Mayor Goodway is opening a library academy at Adventure City . There are many books to read , can do some chemical formula and we can have fun outside of the library because there's a playground .

Zuma : I weally can't wait to get thewe .

Skye : I was thinking the same thing .

Rocky : So how long Ryder can take us to Adventure City grand-opening library ?

Chase : Until he got a call from Junker . This might take a while .

Tundra : That's great . Now who's really to win the soccer game ?

Marshall : No way , you are going to lose .

Marshall kick the ball away from Tundra . He kicks the ball to Chase but Rocky already got the ball . Rocky kicks the ball to Zuma and Zuma kicks the ball to the goal and score .

Zuma : Yes , victowy fow us . We won .

Skye : Nice game for you all .

Then , Ryder walk up to his pups with an excited news .

Ryder : Hey pups , I got a call from Junker and he said the grand-opening library is now open . We can go to Adventure City and check out the new building .

Chase : Great , we been waiting for a while . Let's go .

Ryder and the pups enter the paw patrol . Ryder sit on the driver seat and the pups are sitting on the paw patroller passager seat . Ryder started the paw patroller engine and head to Adventure City . Then , the mysterious van inside have the masked mans and Vincent are looking at them .

Vincent : Adventure City ? Sounds interesting . Let's go boys .

The masked man started the van engine and follow the paw patroller .


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