New "Allies"

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Pleiades:...Is there a "no" option?

???: Hm...I don't see why you wouldn't want to be my most treasured slave. It's quite the honor, you know.

He boredly raised an eyebrow at the "devil" infront of him. He sighed as he got up and jumped down and put his hand against the wall while she was stuck between Pleiades and the wall.

Or in other words. "Kabedon." Well, maybe not exactly that as he didn't slap his hand against the wall with much force behind it, but it was close enough.

He then gave the queen a flirty smile as he spoke.

Pleiades: You could also come with me and help me with general administration along with several other important political tasks like, marketing, finance and potential slander of other political rivals, especially if their name begins with "P" and end with "riscilla."


???: W....Was that an attempt at flirting?

She had an expressionless face as she stared at Pleiades.

He lost his flirty smile in an instant as he put his head down and almost lost all strength in his body at her expressionless expression.

Pleiades: Would you believe me if I said that when I usually smile at a girl, they tend to listen to me for some reason?

The queen infront of him chuckled and brought her left hand up, put it on his cheek and lifted his head up so that their eyes met.

???: Oh, it is quite believable. You've got such a handsome face that most girls might just want to marry you on the spot.

She put her hand down as she leaned more against the wall behind her.

???: Actually, what was that about...Poltitics? Almost sounds like you're involved in Lugunican politics.

Well, if he was going to tell them about his position as a Royal Canditate, now was the time to do it.

Pleiades: You see...I'm actually a Royal Canditate that's going to be the potential future king.

Her only reaction was a look that screamed "I don't believe you" more than anything else.

Pleiades pulled something out of one of his pockets.

It was the same insignia that Emilia had when Felt stole it from her a while ago.

She stared at the glowing insignia for a moment before her eyes went wide and for a moment her "queen" attitude disappeared and was replaced with pure shock.

???: Well would you look at that...

She stayed like that for another second or two before she seemingly returned to her queen like attitude.

???: That is quite interesting, but why ask me for help? Don't get me wrong, I'd be the best option for any kind of position.

The red eyed canditate rolled his eyes.

???: But it is rather...Strange for you to ask a total stranger, who you have no idea of what capabilities she has to work that kind of job?

He really wanted to comment on the fact that it was quite contradictory for her to say that, since she offered him to be her SLAVE. But he didn't comment on it in hopes that he wouldn't anger her.

Pleiades: You see...My options may be a bit...Limited due to my name.

She smirked as she spoke.

???: Ah, yes. The "captured" Sin Archbishop of Pride. Pleiades. Almost couldn't believe it when I heard about it. But I suppose they were wrong and now your public image will be ruined when the election starts.

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