Greed and Gluttony

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Sin Archbishop of Greed?




Fuck yeah! Are you kidding me?! Another Sin Archbishop!? I mean, fuck. I already achieved the goal in my speech from a week ago, but fuck! I get to kill another one?

This is great! I can just imagine how far I'll get ahead in the election with two Sin Archbishops and a Great Mabeast dead in the span of a day!

This feels almost too convenient- No scratch that, it just is convenient. I mean, they apparantly rarely show up and here we are with a total of two Sin Archbishops and a Great Mabeast in a day.

Eh, I shouldn't complain about this being too easy, I should just take this chance that I have and completely reverse my reputation into a positive one.

Also, Regulus? Isn't that the guy that Lucifer talked about?

Felix quickly ran over to Wilhelm and begun to heal him. From the little that I asked Reinhard, he can apparantly reattach limbs as long as he has the missing body part, so if what Reinhard said was true, Wilhelm should have nothing to worry about.

The remaining soldiers quickly ran over while pulling out their swords, some of the older ones yelled out some commands to get into position. Atleast Crusch had enough brain cells to figure out that getting some veterans into her army was a smart idea.

I glanced back at the Sin Archbishop of Greed.

Pleiades: A Sin Archbishop...Is that right? Are you here to avenge Sloth, or even the White Whale...?

He had an intrigued look on his face before calmly responding.

Regulus: Still refusing to introduce yourself? I suppose that in practicality, it doesn't particularly matter since I am already aware of your name along with a reputation to match it, but there is this concept known as common courtesy. But then again, considering the sin you represent it makes sense that you lack an important level of understanding of that concept. Anyway, you asked if I was here to avenge Sloth or the White Whale...? Don't assume that I would care about that madman and that beast. Especially not since I wasn't even aware of that madman's death. In a way, I am somewhat grateful to you despite your attitude. Don't take that as me forgiving you for your rude acts, I simply felt the need to thank you as I am a human being that cares about common courtesy unlike you.

Fuck me, he likes to ramble on doesn't he? He's annoying, but I let him talk since Felix was busy healing Wilhelm and due to how long he spoke, Wilhelm's arm was reattached to his body. Felix must certainly be very good at his job, from what I've read even healing magic can have trouble healing heavy injuries and Felix just did it in a single rant.

I used my hand to subtly motion Wilhelm to stop any plans to strike back at the Sin Archbishop and stay put. Attacking an enemy without knowing their abilities could be a very fatal error in the worst of scenarios.

Also, an interesting thing I noted from Greed's words was that he didn't seem to care about Sloth. Does that mean that the Sin Archbishops don't like eachother or is it a thing between those two Sin Archbishops?

I would ask him, but he'd probably give me a six page essay before actually giving me an answer....Actually, that would probably give Reinhard enough time to come ba-

???: Ahh....

I quickly turned to look behind me and saw a shocking sight, half of the remaining soldiers were on the ground, most likely dead as a short ma- No, a small brown haired child walked past the bodies. He had rugged clothes and two bloody daggers attached to his hand with some bandages.

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