The Anticlimactic Demise

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No, fuck, shit, FUCK! Are you fucking kidding me?! What is with this fucking world?! Be it a bullshit start, that fucking clown and now this...My body is getting taken over?!

No...No. That won't happen. I won't let it happen. I am the best, that's right. All the way back then, back when I promised it to him. Even if I can't be there for them anymore I will keep my promise.

I will be the best. I will triumph above all. I refuse to break my promise due to a single maniac. I FUCKING REFUSE!!

Pleiades: Desu~ What are you thinking about? Stop resisting and let me take control over your body.

Fuck off, as if you deserve to even touch my body, much less take it over. You think I'll let you take my body and use it for your insane schemes? That won't happen. I won't let it happen.

In the end, it never mattered what obstacle was infront of me. Who wanted to stand in my way. I always won and I will always win.

Pleiades: Such tenacity! But how slothful of you to fruitlessly resist! Your efforts are in vain, but it would be Pride that would resist the most! Only Pride would fight until the bitter end!

Slothful this, vain that, Pride this. Can't you just shut the fuck up? Go die in the hole you came from you dirty old man. I'll personally make sure you get send straight down to hell.

Third person P.O.V

The two struggled over the control of his body. But in the end, Petelgeuse was slowly but surely taking control of the canditates body. No matter how much will he may have had, it is simply impossible to avoid a complete take over of his body.

He was starting to grow desperate, he tried everything, to the point where he'd randomly fire off weak blasts using Absolute Annihilation to just...Try anything to stop this from happening.

But in that moment as he tried everything, something happened.

Something happened the moment he activated the Eyes of Envy.


Pleiades P.O.V

I blinked. Then again, then again, again, again, again....I was...Confused, at best. Was this what it felt like to have your body taken over? I was in some...Dark void, I wasn't sure where I was, but maybe I was in a state of non-existance? I had no idea.

I looked down at my body and noticed that the only thing I had were my eyes and my hands. The rest of my body...Just wasn't there. I didn't know why, but before I could wonder about it something caught my attention.

Petelgeuse was standing a short walk away from me, looking around, equally as confused as me.

That confirms atleast that my body hasn't been taken over...Atleast I hope not.

A chill suddenly went up my non-existant spine as I looked to my right and saw a shadowy figure. The only thing I could make out that the figure was seemingly female and had a similiar hairstyle to Emilia.

Petelgeuse noticed her and suddenly started...To cry? Not the weirdest thing from him at this point, I guess.

Two black hands that looked identical to Petelgeuse's Unseen Hands slowly approached the Archbishop.

Petelgeuse: At last. I have waited so long...For your love, your merciful love,  your affectionate love...

He reached out to grasp the hands that were slowly approaching him. And right as he was about to grasp them...

They went right through his body. As if he was nothing more than a ghost. The Archbishop let out a small whimper of confusion as he looked up at the dark figure.

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