Attack of the Cult

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Pleiades P.O.V

Unexpected. The word could be said in many different ways such as unforeseen, unanticipated, unpredicted, without notice, without warning and so on and so on.

The word itself means not expected or regarded as likely to happen. Something that comes out of nowhere, like the sudden death of a family member or when someone throws something at you behind your back.

Where am I going with this? Well, I consider the word unexpected as a great way to describe this current situation.

It had been a mere day after Felt had gone sneaking around in Crusch's land...And yet as I was looking at a certain part of the capital....

I saw that it was on fire.

It wasn't a large part of the capital, not even close, but the smoke was large enough for me to tell that this couldn't have been a mere accident. That's the more wealthy part of the city so a fire would have been put out quickly.

Of course, there was one more place that was on fire...

The Astrea mansion.

Third person P.O.V

Pleiades ran as fast as he could towards the burning mansion. As he ran, he couldn't help but wonder as to who would attack the capital itself. It was the place where not only Reinhard, the sword saint was but also the royal guard.

That didn't matter for now as Pleiades was slowly but surely getting closer to the mansion, on his way he saw two royal guards fighting two people. For a moment Pleiades didn't recognize the two opponents, but he quickly remembered something that Reinhard told him.

Those two were witchcultists. The cone shaped hoods, purple cloaks, strange symbols, it all added up.

The Witch Cult was attacking the capital of Lugunica.

Sticking his hand out, Pleiades used a small amount of power from Absolute Annihilation and send one of the cultist flying, where he ended up landing on a fence that pierced his stomach.

Pleiades cringed for a moment as he wasn't yet fully used to seeing such a sight, but quickly remembered that there are much more important matters at hand.

Now that one of the cultists was gone, the two royal guards quickly took care of the last cultist, slicing his head clean off.

Pleiades got a good look at the two, one of the two royal guards was young, in his early twenties while also having short blond hair. The other was a more older looking fellow, he had brown hair that ran down to his shoulders and held a more frustrated look on his face.

The blond royal guard ran up to Pleiades as he began to speak rather loudly.

???: What are you doing here?! The Witch Cult is attacking the capital, please seek shelter now!

Despite the lack of thanks for his help earlier, Pleiades quickly understood that the man was simply worried about him. Weirdly enough he didn't seem to recognize his face...

Pleiades: Hold on. I'm-

Before Pleiades could even think about explaining who he was, the more rough looking royal guard narrowed his eyes at him and pointed his sword at him.

???: You! You're the Archbishop pretending to be a canditate! You're the one who caused this!

A sudden shock of realization befell the younger knight as he quickly stood infront of Pleiades to prevent the older knight from doing anything.

???: Tch! Why are you protecting him, Hari?!

Hari: Have you gone mad?! He's one of the royal canditates! You could very well be executed for this!

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