Royal Selection

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Marcos: Everything began half a year earlier. When the members of the Royal family died one after another. It would be a dilemma for the dragon kingdom Lugunica to not have a king. Long ago, the king at the time, Farsale Lugunica-sama made a covenant with the god dragon Volcanica. Since then the kingdom has been helped by and prospered through the dragon's help. The dragon history stone, which has guided us in times of need ever since the covenant was made, had a new prophecy carved into it. "When the covenant of Lugunica is severed a new leader will guide the country!"

The green haired knight then turned his attention towards the canditates rather than the crowd.

Marcos: Will the canditates please present their insignias?

Pleiades shrugged, he had already shown it moments earlier, but he supposed that it didn't matter much. All five canditates pulled out their insignia's and they all started to glow.

Miklotov: Hmm...It seems that each of the canditates has the requirements necessary dragon shrine maiden.


Miklotov: Well then, let us move on with the discussion. Needless to say the topic is- "Who will we have become king?" The prophecy from the dragon history stone continues as follows "From those five that will guide the county, select one shrine maiden to renew the covenant with the dragon."

Again, what's with the "shrine maiden" stuff?

Miklotov: In order to help determine that, let's have each of the canditates declare their resolve.

Once again Marcos turned to speak to the canditates.

Marcos: Each canditate should have their own argument and stance on the matter! We would like you to take this oppurtunity and share it with us!

Suddenly, the green haired woman with the somewhat masculine clothing spoke up.

Crusch: I see...So we should declare in what we believe in. In that case, I'll go first.

She turned to face the crowd of knights where Reinhard and Lucifer were standing.

Crusch: Ferris! Come here!

A cat like demi-human responded with a loud yes. Pleaides hadn't seen him before, he was honestly surprised that the government didn't do something stupid like banning all Demi-humans from holding any position of real importance considering that the demi-human war happened.

The demi-human named "Ferris" stood next to Crusch as she was prepared to give her speech.

Marcos: We will now hear Crusch-sama's speech! Her knight is Felix Argyle!

Felix: Captain! I keep telling you, can you please call me Ferris?

Marcos: I have no intention of giving any of my subordinates any form of special treatment.

....Is Felix seriously pouting right now?! Pleiades was almost baffled, he could somewhat understand the lack of professionalism due to his current "status" but shouldn't they leave the small talk for later?!

Crusch: As introeuced, I am the head of the Karsten house, Crusch Karsten!

Felix then gives a small bow as he says.

Felix: I am Crusch-sama's knight, Ferris.

Marcos: He's Felix Argyle.

Pleiades rolled his eyes. Just say your actual name and make nicknames for yourself later.

Crusch: Well then...I believe I know what you all desire of me when I succeed the throne. The Karsten house has had connections with the Royal family and has had an influence on politics as well. You assume that nothing will change if I succeed the throne, am I right?

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