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Aether: Hey

Xiao: hello aether.

Aether: I'm coming back sooner than I thought. I'll be on my way to Liyue tomorrow

Xiao: oh ok. That's quite interesting.

Aether: It's okay to say you're excited to see me Xiao

Xiao: fine. I am then. I am...really excited aether. I miss you.

Aether: Aww...I'm excited to see you too.......but...

Xiao: but?

Aether: Xiao, I did something I regret at the party...

Xiao: what.

Aether: I'd rather talk to you about it in person

Xiao: then why would you bring it up now, when you're not coming back until tomorrow? Are you trying to piss me off? Now I must know immediately.

Aether: Damn, I wasn't thinking... I should have waited but I just can't talk to you without feeling guilty

Xiao: what did you do. I will not wait until tomorrow.

Aether: After I tell you, can we still talk in person tomorrow?

Xiao: ok.

Aether: Please try to understand... Don't get mad at me, okay? Please just hear me out

Xiao: aether you're pissing me off already by stalling the point. Now speak.

Aether: .... I kissed someone at the party. But I was drunk... it was an accident, I didn't realize. My friend said I thought it was you. I'm so sorry Xiao... please don't hate me, I love you. I promise I don't love them. I really love you so much

Aether: Xiao please 😔


Aether: XIAO

Aether: I'm sorry, please don't do this...at least talk to me... it was an accident...


Aether: I'm so sorry Xiao... I can't take the silence, I'm coming back to Liyue tonight because I can't even focus on anything now. My heart is racing like crazy. I can't lose you Xiao. I'm coming to you right now


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