Chapter 1 part 2

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A year after leaving their company, the 3 girls have had a peaceful time being normal for once. Not having to live up to a standard set by people. Just being their selves.

Some where, deep in their minds though, they knew it probably won't last any longer.

Tzuyu POV

"Hey Tzuyu!" I turned my head around and saw Sana running towards me. I opened my arms for her to fall into them.

"What are you doing up so early? You usually sleep in on the weekends?" I said while caressing her head.

Sana was holding onto me tightly. Smothering her face into my chest.

"I couldn't sleep any longer since I know you are up! I want to be with you as long as I can." She gave me a smile.

"Well good. Since you are up, you might as well help me with the chores and breakfast." I see her give a yawn and let go of me.

"I might go back and sleep some more." She started to walk back towards her room. I quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her back close to me.

"Where do you think your going?" I whispered in her ear making her giggle.

I pulled my head back out in front of her and went in for a kiss before handing her a towel to help dry the dishes. I smirked a little with the look on her face.

"Dishes aren't going to dry themselves!" I said going back to washing the dish I was already working on.

"Chou Tzuyu!!! You get your face back over here and you give me that kiss!" She demanded, standing her ground.

"Help with dishes and I will!" I never seen her move so fast. Man, I love that squirrel.

Surprise!!! Chapter from me. Bet you didn't suspect that did ya??

Instead of a new book, I'm going to continue under this one. Since alot of people have liked this book

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