Chapter 2

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Back at our barracks, we just fell onto our beds.

"Ah, this feels so nice to finally be able to lay in a bed again." Chaeyoung stretched out her limbs, slapping Jeongyeon in in the process.

"Ya. Watch out where you fling those." I laughed at both of them.

"We need to start packing. We will leave first thing in the morning." I grabbed my suitcase and threw it on my bed.

"Already?" Jeongyeon sighed.

"I thought maybe we could rest for a few days before we started. Oh well." She drug herself out of bed and started to pack also.

"I can't wait! We actually get to go to a regular school." Jeongyeon squealed. We three have never been to a regular school before. We have only been training since we have been able to walk.

"And we get to wear cute uniforms!" Chaeyoung added. Those two were prancing around in their own little worlds.

"We should stay focus on the mission and not get distracted." I stated.

"Come one Tzuyu. Can we just have a little fun while we are working?" Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung had pleading eyes.

"Anniyo." I simply stated.

"Kill joy." Chaeyoung remarked I smiled.

It was time for lights out. I decided to read the portfolio before going to bed. Let's see, the reason why we need to protect them: their father is running for mayor. He has been getting threats form anonymous people. They were threatening to kill his family among other stuff as well. So, he hired us to protect them and to figure out who are sending these threats. This is going to be a tough mission.

0530 hours: Jeongyeon is walking around like lunatic. And Chaeyoung looks okay. *tokk* Well, she just walked into a wall. I spoke to soon.

"Here drink this." I handed them an energy drink."We need to be on our toes whenever we get there."

"Tzuyu-ah. We haven't even gotten in the car yet. We know what to do. Calm yourself." Chaeyoung patted my shoulder.

"Yeah Tzu. Just relax. We only have to protect them and find out who is threatening them, right?" Jeongyeon said. Well, yes she is right. But I'm a little nervous about the outcome of all of this.

We had just arrived in front of the school. Opening the van door and stepping out onto thew pavement. Slung my backpack over my shoulder and entered the school building. Oh, I forgot to mention this but we are also living on campus. We will be rooming with three other girls, which of course will be the ones we are protecting.

Walking into the main office, to the principals office.

"Hello girls. My name is Kim Taeyeon or Ms. Kim." We bowed towards her.

"I welcome you to my Academy. I heard it's your first time at a regular school?" She asked.

"Ne." I said.

"Well, I hope you will enjoy your time her, but not too much fun. Don't forget why you are here." She smiled and stood up.

"I will show you to your home room. Please follow me." We all followed Ms. Kim out of the room.

 We walked down a number of halls an d up a couple of stairs and finally, we have arrived in front of the door. Ms. Kim opened the door and gestured us in.

"Class settle down now. We have a couple of transfers today." We shuffled in beside Ms. Kim.

"This is your your home room teacher, Ok Taecyeon." We bowed.

"Please introduce yourself." He told us.

"Annyeong. Chaeyoung imnida."

"Annyeong. Jeongyeon imnida."

"Annyeonghaesaeyo. Chunin Tzuyu imnida."

The class started to clap their hands. Some of the boys had whistled at us. I shot a glare at one of the guys that had whistled  and he shut his mouth closed.

"Okay let's see. Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon. There are two empty seats behind Mina and Nayeon." He pointed to the two girls in the back of the room.

"And Tzuyu. You can sit in the empty seat beside Sana." Sana raised her hand.

I walked towards her and sat down. Immediately after I had sat down and put my stuff up, she looked at me and started to ask a million questions at once.

"Where are you from? What school did you transfer from? Why did you transfer?" Are just some of the questions she had ambushed me.

"Ya, Sana! Give her some space to breathe, will you." Nayeon had said.

"Oh Mianhae." Sana said and backed away from me.

"That's Sana, I'm Nayeon and the quiet one is Mina." She introduced them to us.

"I'm Jeongyeon, the small one is Chaeyoung and the yoda one is Tzuyu." The girls started to giggle.

"So do y'all know which dorm room you will be in?" Sana asked.

"Ummm, Our room number is 1020." I responded.

"Hey, that's our room too!" Nayeon shouted, startling us.

"Ooooh, room buddies!" Sana said smiling at me and wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

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