Chapter 4

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I woke up just before my alarm goes off. Why does that always happen? I got dressed and went to make my rounds. I checked all the rooms and windows to make sure they are secure. At the last window, I looked out of it. The scene was a gorgeous court yard. There was a large fountain in the middle of it with trees and flowers surrounding it. Off towards the side of a tree, beside the fountain, I noticed someone behind it looking up at me. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever, then he ran off. I opened the window and jumped out of it. Mind you, we were on the third floor. Probably not one of my best ideas.

I start a pursuit after him. But after a few minutes, I lost him. Dang. I walked back to the dorm and got ambushed with questions.

"Ya, what have you been doing?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Did something happen?" Chaeyoung added.

"I saw a suspicious person out in the courtyard, staring at the dorm. I chased after them but I had lost them. We need to be more alert today. Get ready and let's get going. Stay close to your person. Got it?" They nodded and went to get ready

"Sana? Are you ready?" I knocked on the door. No response. I knocked again. Still no response. I got ready to kick the door open when it suddenly open and resulted in me falling onto the ground. I looked up to see Sana wrapped up in a towel.. I quickly got up and looked away.

"Sana, we are late for school. I will be waiting for you in the living room." I said.

"It's alright. You can go on without me." She said.

"Aniyo. We will go together." And I walked out of the room.

"I'm ready." Sana walking in saying. I turned my head and looked up at her. Whoa.

"Is something wrong?" She asked. I mentally slapped myself.

"No. Let's go." I stood up and pushed her out the door.

Walking towards he school, well practically running.

"Slow down, just because you are doing your job doesn't mean we are under a threating situation right now." I stopped in my tracks and looked at her. Dumbfounded.

"How.. do you....know that?" I stumbled my words.

"I'm not that stupid. Besides, I saw what happened this morning. So it's alright. I won't let anyone know of this. Now come on. We are going to be late." She smiled and grabbed my hand, running towards the school.

Sana POV

Sitting in a classroom for 8 hours is tiring. I may just end up falling asleep from the teachers lecture. My eyes slowly start to shut. I suddenly felt someone nudge me. I looked over to see Tzuyu giving me the stare. I quickly sat up straight and paid attention.

Finally, lunch time. I stretched up my arms over my head and stood up.

"Tzuyu-ah, what do you want to eat? I'm thinking Tteokbokki." I told her. I turned around to look at her but she wasn't paying attention me. Her eyes were focused on something else. I tried looking to where she was looking but I didn't see anything.

"What's wrong? Do you see something?" I waved my hand in front of her face. She broke contact from what she was looking at and looked up at me.

"Let's go." She stood up and grabbed my hand, and walked out of the classroom.

Wow! Everything looks delicious. Where do I even begin? Oh who cares.

"Slow down. You are going to get a stomach ache." Nayeon unnie said.

"Yeah. It's not like the world is going to end." Mina added. I started to coughing and hitting my chest. Tzuyu handed my a glass of water.

"Thank you." I said thru coughing spells.

"That's what you get for eating to fast." Tzuyu commented. Everyone started to laugh.

Fifth period was the worst class of the day. Math. I don't understand why we have to learn all of these equations.

"Ms. Sana, if you will please come up and solve this problem." Darn. I stand up walk towards the board. I wasn't even paying attention.  Oh I wish there was a way where I didn't have to work this out.

As if my prayers were answering, the fire alarm and sprinklers went off. All the kids got up and started to run out of the classroom. It was complete chaos. I don't think this was a fire drill but an actual fire. I couldn't find Tzuyu or the others. I was getting push around and eventually ended up falling onto the ground.

Someone reached down and helped me up. It was a girl. I have never seen her before but she just led me someone and I just followed her.

"Who are you? I have never seen you before." Silence. She just kept leading me someone. She had finally stopped in front of a door. There was smoke coming from behind it.

"Ya, we need to get out of here." I tried to pull away, but she didn't budged.

"Do you wanna die?" I asked. She slowly turned around to look at me. She had this eerie smile that I did not like one bit. It was to late to realize it. She opened the door and pushed me in side of it. I got up  and tried to open the door. But it was locked.

Is this how I am going to die? I started to bang on the door and screaming for help as the flames only grew stronger and hotter.

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