Chapter 11

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Sana POV

I could not believe what I had just witnessed. My mind went completely blank and I couldn't think of anything besides Tzuyu.

I tried to run over to where she had fallen but the bodyguards were pulling us out towards the exit to safety.

"Wait, I have to make sure Tzuyu is safe!" I pleaded to them.

"Sorry miss, but your safety is more important." They didn't say anything else and kept to their plan. No. This can not be happening.

They put Mina, Nayeon and I in a car and my father was taken to the hospital. They were taken us to a safe house until we know exactly what was going on. I just stared out of the window, worrying about Tzuyu.

No one's POV

It's been a little over a day since the incident had took place. All of the girls, minus Tzuyu, are waiting impatiently for the news they have been wanting to know.

"Okay, I can't take this. I'm gonna sneak out and figure out what is going on by myself." Sana had suddenly said.

"I'm with you." Chaeyoung said also. Sana looked at her and nodded in agreement.

"We will stay here and make a diversion." Jeongyeon said.

"Okay we will do this in an hour. Everyone let's do this!" Nayeon said, raising her fist for fighting.

"Are you ready Sana?" Chaeyoung asked. Sana turned her head to look at Chaeyoung.

"Totally." Sana smiled and Chaeyoung nodded her head.

Everyone got into their place to create a diversion. Jeongyeon raised her hand and signaled for us to start.

Nayeon and Mina ran out of their room to the two guards standing at the door.

"Bodyguard Oppa, we are hungry." Nayeon said with ageyo.

"Will you make something for us?" Mina said with her soft voice and innocent voice.

"Uhhh yeah, hold on we will get the uh the food real quick. Wait here." One of the bodyguards said while stuttering.

'Wah they actually fell for it.' Sana thought. Chaeyoung tapped her. Telling her it's time to move.

Chaeyoung was running with Sana out through the back door. They had made it out of the safe house and just out of sight of it too. Sana had suddenly tripped over some rubble.

"Sana. Gwaenchana?" Chaeyoung turned back around to check on when someone jumped her.

"Who the heck.." Chaeyoung stopped what she was going to say when she recognized the person who had tackled her.

"Tzuyu?!" Chaeyoung half screamed, half aired. Tzuyu just smiled at them.

Sana POV

I can not believe my eyes. Tzuyu is sitting in front of us. Perfectly fine. Not even a scratch on her. What had even happened?

"I know you all are wondering what had happened yesterday." She said. Can she read minds or what? We all had gathered back at the house with Tzuyu and the others were shocked to see here there.

"Tell us everything!" Nayeon said.

"Calm down. Let her breathe a little will ya?" Jeongyeon was pulling Nayeon back down in her seat. Tzuyu took in a deep breath and started to explain what had happened.

"So, the sniper and I had gotten into a fight. We both lost our balance and fell out of the rafters. But we had landed on top of a pile of card board. We are completely fine and they took the guy into custody to question him." She finished telling us what happened in one breath.

Silence echoed the room after she had finished. No one said or did anything. I got up and walked over to Tzuyu and hugged her.

"Gomawo. For coming back alive." She was shocked for a second then quickly moved her hands around, hugging me back.

"And it has sailed." Chaeyoung whispered to the other girls. They all giggled.

No ones POV

Chaeyoung and Mina were off in their own little world talking about anything and everything. Jeongyeon and Nayeon are in the kitchen trying to cook food but they might as well just burn down the house. Tzuyu and Sana decided to take a walk out in the woods for a little.

"Are you really okay?" Sana asked Tzuyu. Feeling very concerned.

"Yeah. I'm just a little sore here and there. But I'm perfectly fine though." Tzuyu gave her a smile.

Sana stopped walking in the middle of the walkway. Tzuyu did not notice until after a few steps until she also stopped and looked back at Sana. Sana had tears running down her face.

"Sana, why are you crying?" Tzuyu walked towards her and started to wipe away her tears.

"I really thought something bad had happened to you. I couldn't stop thinking, wondering if you were seriously injured or worse, dead." She sobbed harder. Tzuyu pulled her into an embrace. She ran her hand through Sana's hair.

"I'm alright though. See?" She pulled Sana's face up to look at her face.

"I'm more careful than you think I am. I know how to take care of myself." Sana let out a little giggle.

"Just promise me. Promise me you wont get hurt." Sana had pleading eyes. Tzuyu just stared into her eyes and came to a decision. She leaned down towards Sana and kissed her cheek.

"I promise." Sana was shocked. Tzuyu just continued on hugging her. Not letting her go.

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