Chapter 9

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Tzuyu POV

I can not believed I said that. Tzuyu, of all the things you could have possibly said, you just had to say you were her girlfriend! I had hit my head against the wall a couple of times out of my stupidity.

"Why are you hitting your head against the wall?" I heard a voice saying from behind me. I turned around and saw Sana standing in the door way.

"Oh no reason."

"Well it doesn't seem like its nothing. Why don't you talk to me about what's on your mind?" She sat beside me. Looking at me until I gave her an answer. She I just tell her? Sigh. Oh well, she will find out sooner or later. Right?

"So, about the other night.." I started to say and slowly looked up at her. She looked at me and quickly turned her gaze else where.

"oh, that. It didn't mean anything. I don't even know why I did it. I guess I was still half asleep." She rambled on about. I just looked down.

Sana POV

I didn't think Tzuyu would ask me that question but then again I did. I told her that it meant nothing and didn't mean anything by it, but why did she look disappointed?

"Okay. I just wanted to know. That's all. Goodnight." She said and walked to our room. Why does my heartache seeing her walk away?

I'm standing in a field of grass. The wind slightly breezing. Blowing through my hair and clothes. I spread out my arms and breathed in the air. I opened my eyes and from far away I saw a figure walking into the woods. It was a girl with long brown hair and wearing a white dress. I started to follow her.

I kept getting lost while trying to follow along. But we finally made it out of  the woods and into a clearing.

'Who are you?' I asked the person. She stopped walking and turned around. My eyes suddenly went wide. It was Tzuyu. 

'Tzuyu?' I called out to her. She just starred at me. I took a step forward and she took one back. I looked at her and she looked scared.

'What's wrong?' She pointed behind me.

'Watch out!' She screamed. I slowly looked behind me and saw nothing but darkness. I felt someone run past me. Tzuyu had pushed me aside away from it. I screamed at her, she looked at me and smiled before running into the darkness.

I opened my eyes up panting. It was a dream. Just a dream. I calmed myself down. I got up out of bed and saw that Tzuyu wasn't in hers. I got up and left the room. I headed towards the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Are you awake now?" I heard Tzuyu asking.

"Uh Ne. When did you get up?" I asked her. She was cooking breakfast. It smelled really good.

"About an hour ago. Did you have a nightmare?" She asked. I shifted my stance and started to fidget with my hands.

"You were talking in your sleep."

"Oh yeah. It was just a little nightmare." I said drinking my glass of water.

"Well it didn't sound like a little one. You even said my name. Do you want to talk about it?" She said handing me some eggs and toast.

"No, not really. It really wasn't nothing. I promise." I gave her a smile and started to eat some of the toast.

"Ya~ what's this smell? It smells great!!" Jeongyeon walked in entranced by the smell of the food.

"Just eat." Tzuyu said and started to leave the kitchen.

"Be ready in an hour. We have to go to a Rally today." Stopped at the door and said before leaving again.

"What's her problem?" Jeongyeon said pointing at Tzuyu. I shrugged. Wishing I knew as well. 

"Well lets hurry up and eat so we can get to your Fathers rally." I nodded and ate my food.

"Thank you all for coming to this Rally. I thank you all for your support and helping me get this far!" Mr. Minatozaki yelled into the microphone. There was a thunderous clap all around in the building. Father had many supporters and fans. He would make for a great president. Oh I guess I should have mentioned it, but my father is running for president.

"Thank you." He bowed towards the audience. Everyone one on stage stood up and bowed with him.

When everything had gotten quiet there suddenly was  loud screaming coming from the back of the room. We all looked to see what the commotion was. The person that shouted pointed towards us. The rest of the people turned there faces looking at us. We didn't notice it at first but there was a red like laser pointing at my Father. Then another person screamed from the crowd.


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