Chapter 15

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Tzuyu POV

I'm sitting beside Sana's bed. Just watching her sleep. The doctor she had fainted from her fever and should not have went out into to the rain. It had only mad her worse. But she will be fine in a few days with the medicine he will be giving her.

Sana looks so peaceful sleeping. I smiled while looking at her. I laid my head on her bed and soon drifted off to sleep.

I slowly opened my eyes with the sun glaring at my. I raised my head to see the bed empty. Where did she go? I was the only one in the room. What if those guys from last night came and took her?! I got up real quick and bolted out of the room. I have to find her..

Running around like my hair is on fire. I can not seem to find her. I reached for my phone to call her. The phone was ringing but I heard the ringing coming from behind me. I turned around and Sana standing there with her phone out.

'Ya! You scared me!" I embraced her. Holding onto to her tight so no one can take her away from me. Sana raised her hand and patted my head.

'Don't worry. I'm here." I looked at her. Looking her up and down. Checking her fever to see if it had went down any.

"Your fever is a lot better than it was yesterday." I said. She pulled my hand down and held it.

"I am feeling better. So you don't need to worry about me. By the way, what happened last night?" She asked me.

"Well I had gotten a text message to meet someone on the roof. I thought it was just a prank so I was about to leave when those two guys showed up. I don't know why they did what they did, but I will figure it out." I was determined to know why they want to hurt Sana.

We were interrupted by sounds of knocking coming from the door. The girls had came to check up on Sana.

"Hey Sana how are you feeling?" Mina asked. Walking over to the bed.

"I'm better." Sana smiled.

"Tzuyu. We need to speak with you for a second." Jeongyeon said standing at the door with Chaeyoung.

"I will be right back." I said to Sana. I got up and walked out into the hallway.

"What do you mean they escaped. I locked the door before I left and told the security guard to go check it out." I exclaimed.

"We talked to the security guard and he said the door was unlocked when he got their. The only thing that was left was a mask." Chaeyoung explained.

"They must have picked locked the door and escaped." Jeongyeon added. Great. They know us but we do not know who they are.

"Don't worry. We will find them. We are already checking the cctv's around the dorm." Chaeyoung said.

"We need to catch them soon. I feel like something bad is going to happen soon." I said. It was my gut feeling and it usually is never wrong. Which sucks because i wish it was wrong.

"Oh it's good to be back at the dorm!" Sana said running and jumping onto the couch

"But you still can't forget to take your medicine." Nayeon stated.

"Ne omma."Sana giggled.

"Why you little." Nayeon got up and started to chase Sana around the living room.

"Kids." Mina shook her head.

"Dinner's ready!" I yelled for them to come into the kitchen.

"Ooooh I smell ramen." Chaeyoung came in sniffing the air.

I had made 6 packs of ramen with some kimchi on the side. The rest of the girls all gathered around the table.

"Here." I handed them all a lid and chopsticks.

" Thank you for the meal." We said together and dug into the food.

-The next day-

"Come on Sana." I held her hand and dragged her to school.

"But I'm sick. I should stay at the dorm and rest more." Sana pleaded. I stopped pulling and put my hand on her forehead.

"You are fine. Now let's go." And I continued to drag her to the school.

Here we are again, sitting in class. We are waiting for the teacher to come in. It's only Sana, mina and I in this class. We are all seated in the back corner, beside the windows. I had noticed to the right of us, their was a group of boys, but one boy was staring at us. I think it's the boy from the other day, Mark. I think that's his name. I was going to get up and ask why he was staring at us but then the teacher had walked in and began the class.

It was lunch time after class. And boy am I starving. Sana locked arms with me and we skipped towards the lunchroom. We got our food and sat with the rest of the girls. I was lost in thought while eating.

"What are you thinking about Tzuyu?" Jeongyeon asked me.

"Uh. Well there was a boy in our last class that kept looking at us." I told them.

"How did he look at you?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Mmm. Like he was just staring and smirking. I don't know why he would but I did not like that one bit."

"So many suspicious people around us." Jeongyeon sighed.

"Hey. Why don't we all go out to karaoke tonight and blow of some stress?" Nayeon pitched in.

"Yeah that sounds like fun." Mina and Sana said together.

"Okay!" I said.

'We need to be more careful and more alert.' I mouthed to Chaeng and Jeong.

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