Chapter 24

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Sana POV

"Get away from him." I yelled at Tzuyu. But she wouldn't and started to hit him. So I looked around the room and fount a knife. I held it in both of my hands. I screamed as I ran at her and stabbed her in the back.

I woke up in bed, sweating and crying. Was that all just a dream? Please let it be a dream.

I rubbed my eyes. Clearing my tears and the sweat. I looked around the room and I was in like a hospital. There was an iv needle in my arm. This is crazy! Did I really hurt Tzuyu?

I pulled at the needle in my and stumbled out of the bed. Barely managing to make it to the door. I fumbled with the handle until I got it opened. I held onto the wall while I made my way around. The hallway was empty. Nothing but a light at the end of the hallway.

There were a few guys dressed in black surrounding a table. At the head of the table was..

"Tzuyu!" I screamed her name and ran over towards her and hugged her. I just started crying into her shoulder as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Uh guys, can you leave us alone for a minute." Tzuyu told the guys and they left. Leaving us all alone.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Tzuyu asked me. Pulling me away from her and wiping my tears.

"Did I hurt you?" I asked her.

"No it wasn't you." She kissed the top of my head. I looked up at her.

"Really? So it was all just a dream?" She nodded her head. I'm relieved.

Tzuyu POV

"Why didn't you tell her?" Jeongyeon asked me.

"Because she only remembers it like a dream and I'm not about to put her through knowing what she had done. Besides it wasn't really her." I stated to her.

"Right. Sorry." Jeongyeon put her down and stopped talking.

"Let's just focus on catching Mark and his group. Come on let's go to the meeting." I grabbed Jeongyeon's arm and pulled her towards the meeting room.

"So we have tracked down where Mark and his group have went into hiding." Jackson said pointing to a map with his pointer.

"As you see, they ran about 100 yards into the forest north and haven't moved from there for 8 hours. I am pretty sure it's an underground bunker. So we are going to surround the place and barge in and get them. Any questions?" No one said anything.

"Okay then. We will leave in one hour. Gear up!" He shouted.

One hour later

"Are you ready?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Let's go." We got into the van and we were off. It took us about 45 minutes to get to the destination. We started with the plan. Jeongyeon and I circled around the back so they can't escape through that way.

We are waiting for the signal for when we will barge in. Any minute now and we will have them in our grasp soon. A red flare could be seen in the distances.

"There's the signal." Jeongyeon said. We pulled out our Taser guns and went to knock down the door. We searched the whole place but there was no sign of anyone in here. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Hey Tzuyu, I fount something over here." One of the guys said in the next room over. We walked over there and there was a box in the middle of the room. I went over there to the box and kneeled down, putting my head down onto the box.

*tick tick tick.* I turned around and looked at everyone.

"Run!" I started to push them out the door. We had no time to fully get out of their on time. The explosion went off and pushed us out of the bunker.

I was laying in the grass. My ears were ringing and my vision wasn't clear. I laid there for a few more moment. Trying to get my baring's. I sat up, vision still blurry, and I see a person walking towards us. I looked around and my team are still on the ground. I tried calling for back up but the explosion damaged my radio.

It was Mark. He waved his hand at me. He is saying something but it's just a distant echoing. I stood up and went towards him. I went to grab him but he side stepped and I went down to the ground. My head started to spin again. I held my head and made myself focus.

"Aww I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?" Mark said. His voice became normal again.

"Oh I won't be the one hurting." I snapped back. I stood up and faced him. He had the smirk look.

"Oh really?" And laughed. He threw white powder at my face. It burned and blinded me. I had to rely on my hearing. I can hear rustling and his feet running around me. Not quick enough and struck me in the back.

"Oh look how helpless the almighty Tzuyu is." I can just hear how much fun he is having.

"Why?" I asked him randomly. I need to buy time until I can see again.

"Why what?" I think he crouched down somewhere in front of me.

"Why are you going after the Minatozaki's?" I asked. Okay, only a couple of minutes until I can clearly see.

"Oh that. It's a long story but I will make it short. I wanted to get revenge on Sana's father because he put my dad in jail. But he is innocent." He explained.

"But then I fell in love with Sana. I didn't want to take the revenge anymore. So I asked her out. Not long after, I found she was already taken. By a girl. I couldn't believe it. I lost to a girl. I couldn't have that so I decided to make her by all means possible." What?

"I know you probably heard this a lot from Sana, but you are crazy." I spat at him.

"I am not crazy!" That earned me a kick to the chest. It knocked the breath out of me.

"So all I need to do is just get rid of you and everything will be fine." Finally, I can see again. I looked towards him. He had pulled out a knife and charged at me. I rolled over and dodged him and got up in my fighting stance.

Once again he charged at me. Knife out, ready to strike. I jumped up off a rock and got the advantage, kicking the knife out of his hand. I landed on the ground and quickly got back up. He was already right behind me. He put his arms around and pulled me up. I stepped on his foot then head butted in the face. He dropped me and groaned in pain.

He isn't going down easily and I'm losing stamina fast. I need to end this. Quickly.

"Bring it." I motioned at him to come at me. Once again, he charged at me. I ducked and went to roundhouse kick him but he caught my leg and flipped me. I landed on my back. He jumped on top of me and started to strangle me.

"Goodbye. Chou Tzuyu." He said and laughed. His laughed stopped and I could suddenly breath again. Mark was now on the ground. Knocked out. I looked up and saw Sana standing there holding a tree limb.

"Sana? How did you get here?" I got up and took away the branch from her.

"Chaeyoung." She said in shock. I pulled her into my arms.

"Should have known. Thank you. You saved me." I looked down her and kissed her.

"I love you." Sana said.

"I love you too." And we just held each other for what seemed eternity.

No One POV

It has been 3 months since Tzuyu, Jeongyeon, and Chaeyoung started the protection of the Minatozaki sisters. So much stuff has happened in such a little time frame. The 3 of them decided to live as normal teenagers and left there company.

They go to the same school as Sana, Nayeon and Mina. And if you are wondering, yes they all still go out and truly love each other. They had a peaceful school life. Nothing really happened besides normal teenage stuff.

Author's note:

Well there's the ending of the story! I hope you all enjoyed my story:D I want to thank y'all for being patient and loving my story so thank you!!!

Maybe the ending?

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