Chapter 5

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Tzuyu POV

I lost sight of Sana when all of this started. Everyone was just pushing each other and running wildly. I saw that Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung has their person. That's good. Now I just need to find Sana and get her out of here.

Wondering around the top floor, I saw two people walking away from me. I followed them in silence. It was Sana and some girl I have never seen before. She suddenly pushed Sana into a room and closed the door. Then she ran away.

I ran towards the door and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budged. I can hear Sana banging on the door.

"Sana!" I yelled through the door.

"Sana, you need to move away from the door. Okay?" I yelled.

"Ne." She said coughing. I moved backwards and ran at the door with full force. It took me a couple of good runs to finally be able to knock the door in. I walked, well fell, into the room. Sana is on the ground coughing.

"Sana, I'm sorry. I'm here now. Lets go." I picked her and we went out of the school.

"Where have y'all been?" Said Nayeon. Then she looked at Sana.

"Ya, Sana-ah. What happened to you?" She came over to check on her.

"She needs to be taken to the nurse. She inhaled to much smoke." I motioned for Chaeyoung to take her.

"You all will go to the nurses office. I will be there in a little bit. I have to take care of something. I will explain things later. Now go."

I turned around and walked back towards the school. I need to find that girl. She shouldn't have gotten far.

I went around the building to see if she had went this way. No one. Not a soul in sight. Where did she go? I asked myself. Just before I was about to leave, I saw a van speed off into the distance. I saw a glimpse of the girl her pushed Sana.

Walking back to the nurses office to find no one there besides the nurse.

"Excuse me. Did some girls come in here?" I asked.

"Ah ne. They left a few minutes ago. They said they were going back to their dorm." She said.

"Kamsahamnida." I bowed to her and turned around to leave.

"You might want to let me look at your shoulder. It looks dislocated." The nurse said. I didn't even notice the pain that my shoulder was making. I guess that door did more damage than I did. I walked over to the nurse and sat done.

"What did you do to dislocate it?" She asked.

"Oh, just fell during the rustle."

"Okay well hold still so I can pop it back into place." I held my breath when she pulled on my arm.

"You took that like it was nothing. If it starts to hurt any come back by to see me and I will give you something for it." The nurse told me. I just nodded my head and left towards the dorm.

I ran back to the dorm to see how Sana was. I opened the door to our dorm and walked into the living room. Mina and Chaeyoung were sitting on the sofa talking and Jeongyeon and Nayeon were in the kitchen eating.

"Hey, how's Sana?" I asked no one in particular.

"She's fine, she is just resting right now is all." Mina said.

"What exactly happened? Sana wouldn't tell us what happened." Jeongyeon said.

"Well I'm not really sure exactly what happened, but I did see some girl push her into a room and looked the door. That's who I was looking for but I didn't find her." I told them.

"Is their someone after us?" Nayeon asked. We three just looked at each other. We should tell them, since they are the ones endangered.

"Ne. That's why we are here. Is to protect you." I got straight to the point.

"Why? Why would someone be after us?" It was Sana. She was standing at the entrance of our bedroom.

"We don't know. that's also why we are here. To find out why someone is targeting your family." Jeongyeon added. Silence took over the room. It was an awkward situation.

"Well I'm going to go report to the higher ups and tell them what happened today." I said and walked off up towards the roof. 

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