Chapter 3

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School was already done for today. So it was time to move into the dorms.

" Do you need some help?" Sana had come up behind me and asked.

"Looks like you need more help than I do" I pointed my chin in the direction of all of her luggage.

"Did I over pack?" She looked at me with an innocent look. All I could do was just laugh.

"Here, I will help you with your bags. Give them here." We're walking up the stairs with all mine and Sana's luggage. She just stared at me most of the way.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked.

"I'm just amazed at how strong you are. I wouldn't have thought that you were this strong, considering how skinny you are." I gave her a smirk. 'Speak for yourself.' I thought to myself.

Finally, made it to our dorm. I just walked in and just let the luggage fall to the ground, and made my way to an empty bed. Ah, so comfy.

*CRASH* I jolted out of bed and ran towards the sound. I walked in to see Sana on the floor.

"What happened?" I asked. Sana looked up at me pouting.

"Oh. I keep tripping over my own feet." She said. Rubbing her ankle.

"You should be more careful." I walk over to her and lent her my hand. She looked up at me. Hesitation could be seen in her eyes, but was gone as fast as it came.

"Thank you." She said taking my hand. Pulling her up, she stumbled a bit.

"Are you always this clumsy?" I asked. She giggled.

"Ne. For as long as I can remember I have been clumsy. That's how I got the nickname clumsy Sana." I laughed.

"Yeah, that's true. Hey, go wash up it's almost time for dinner."

After dinner, The girls, Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung and I, gathered on the rooftop to give a report. We just told them that everything was going and nothing had happened today.

We trudged back to our rooms. I opened the door and found Sana still up.

"Why are you still up?" I asked her. She looked up from her stretches.

"Oh, just stretching. I stretch when I can't sleep." She raised he arms out and lend down towards her feet.

"I am the same way, but I read books." I walk over and sat down on her bed.

"Want to try some stretches? It might help more than reading." She said. I just gave her a look.

"Hey, don't judge it till you have tried it." She finished stretching and laid down, pulling the covers over her head.

"Goodnight." She said. I turned around and turned off the light and went to bed

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