Chapter 6

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Tzuyu POV

"Sir, I'm reporting to you about something that had happened today." I said over the phone.

"At 0200, a fire had broke out in the school. Resulting in chaos in the school. I had lost sight of my person, but found her with another person who tried to harm her. I think they're more than one person behind this." I said without skipping a beat.

"Is Sana alright?" Jackson asked.

"Ne. She is resting now."

"Be more careful next time. We don't want them to get hurt. Alright?"

"Yes sir." I ended the call and turned around to walk back to the dorm. Sana was standing in the door way of the rooftop.

"Its not your fault for what happened today. You know how clumsy I am, right?" She tried to cheer me up.

"But its my duty to protect you and I failed." I said and looked down at the ground.

"I'm fine thanks to you though. See?" She did some jumping jacks and running in place, showing me that she is alright. I laughed at her silliness.

"Ha! Made you smile." She laughed along with me.

"You will have to be with me 24/7. I will not let you leave unless I am with you. Got it?" I firmly stated.

"Yes sir." She stood up straight and saluted at me.

The following days were calm and nothing much happened. Just a lot of work and homework and more work.   It was to quiet for comfort. I feel like something big is about to happen. Looks like I need to pull some all nighter's or at least we should each take watch at night.

"Hey guys. We need to take shifts for night time watch. I don't like how its been quiet for so long." I told them.

"I agree. I don't like it but that's a good idea. Should we all sleep in one room ?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Well we could have a movie night and just sleep in the living room. I don't want to scare them by saying I think someone is going to break into the dorms so we all should sleep in the same room until we find the culprits." I said through one breath. Getting weird looks from Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon. 

"Whoa. Slow down there yoda. We didn't say anything about that. Plus, we don't want to scare them either. We are all on the same team. We got this alright?" Jeongyeon said giving a peace sign. Making us laugh. I feel a little better now, knowing I got these two guys with me.

Sana POV

I still can't shake off that frightening day. Why was I so stupid into following her when I should have ran away? I keep beating myself up over it. I keep having reoccurring nightmares, where I cant sleep well at nights anymore. If it wasn't for Tzuyu, I probably would have died. I should really thank her for it. 

Watching Tzuyu break down that door was really incredible. I didn't how strong she really was until that day. It made her look really cool and ... amazing! Lord, Sana what are you even thinking about?! I mentally slapped myself. 

Tzuyu POV

It was getting late and we were all heading to the dorms together.

"Hey. Who wants to have a movie night tonight?" I said to them all. They all started to agree about it.

"Yeah lets watch something scary!" Jeongyeon suggested.

"Scary movie?" Mina said very low like a  mouse.

"Don't worry Mina. You can always hide behind me when you get scared." Chaeyoung said with a smile. Mina looked at her and gave a little smile to her.

"Ooooooo. What is going on with them two?" Jeongyeon nudged me. I just gave her a look.

"Mwo? Can I not be funny sometimes?"

"Aniyo.... No jam hyung." I whispered the last part but I think she heard it.

"Ya I heard that." Dang it.

We all got situated to watch the movie. We had decided on watching ,Train to Busan. I'm not really scared of anything let alone some zombies. I'm only watching it because Gong Yoo is in it. Jeongyeon and Nayeon are sitting on the couch, while Chaeyoung and Mina are sitting on the love seat on the other side. Sana and I are sitting on the floor.

It was getting to the good part of the . When the zombies attack the train.  I looked over at Sana. She had her hands over her eyes, peeking at the movie when ever it had calmed down. I let a little laugh. Then a jump scare came out of no where and she grabbed my arm and hid her face.

*Ba dum*

What's happening to my heart? I have never had this feeling before. Feels like my heart is the weight of a feather. Is she making me feel this way? I have so many questions running through my head that I can't even think straight.

The credits started to roll up the screen. What time is it? I looked at my watch. Quarter till midnight. 

"What movie do you guys want to watch.." I turned my head to see that everyone had already fallen asleep. Well so much for staying up all night. Guess I have first watch tonight.

I got up and laid a blanket over Sana. She looks cute while she is sleeping. I smiled like an idiot.

I went around checking if all the windows were locked. Made sure nothing suspicious was happening outside. I was heading to the kitchen to make sure the front door was locked.

As I made my way towards it, I heard a  noise. I went into defense mode and hid behind a wall. I peeked around the corner to see who it was. It was to dark to see clearly. I sneaked into the kitchen to surprise attack them. I tackled the person to the ground.

"Ah pa!" Said the figure I just tackled. I turned the person over to see who it was.

"Sana? What are you doing up?" I asked her helping her up.

"I was just getting a glass of water." She rubbed her arm.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were an intruder." I said apologetically.

"It's okay silly. Why are you always so serious?" She moved closer to me. Just inches from me.

"It's my job. I always need to be on alert." I said. Slowly moving backwards until my back hit the wall.

"You know, you are quite cute when you are all serious." She leaned in and kissed my cheek. 

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