Chapter 12

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No ones POV

It was a start of a new term and they all headed back to the dorms. It has only been a week since the incident happened. Nothing has really changed much, besides them growing closer to each other. Especially Sana and Tzuyu.

"Tzuyu-ah!" Sana yelled from her and Tzuyu's room. Tzuyu ran from the front door into their room.

"What's wrong?" Tzuyu said panting. Sana let out a little giggle.

"Which outfit should I wear tomorrow?" Tzuyu looked so done with Sana.

"You yelled for that?" Tzuyu crossed her arms and leaned against the door.

"Yes. it's an emergency and I need your help." Sana tossed more clothes from her closet onto her bed. She then patted the bed motioning for Tzuyu to sit on the bed.

"I will try these on and you will choose which one you like." Sana quickly gathered her clothes and ran to the bathroom and started to try on her clothes.

After what seem like hours of nothing but Tzuyu shaking her head. Sana finally came out with an outfit that sparked an interest in Tzuyu's eyes. She cam out with a one piece. It's white with slits at her shoulders.

"So how about this one?" Sana said and twirled around. Tzuyu had her mouth gaped open and could not find any words to say.

"Hello? Earth to Tzuyu." Sana waved her hand back and forth in front of Tzuyu's eyes.

"Ne?" Tzuyu snapped out of her trance.

"What do you think of this one?" Sana said again.

"You look.. I mean the dress looks stunning." Tzuyu stuttered a little bit. She also mentally face palmed herself for stuttering like an idiot.

"Alright its settled then. I will wear this tomorrow." Sana smiled at Tzuyu.

Tzuyu POV

I could not sleep a wink last night. That image of Sana had me shook all night. I need to be honest with myself. I think about her 24/7. My heart beats fast when I'm around her and I find myself blushing sometimes whenever she does something cute. I think I'm in love.

"Mwo-eh?!" Sana said leaning over her bed looking at me. I jumped because she had scared me. We have a bunk bed. So she looks scary when she hangs her head down. Looks like the girl from the Grudge.

"Hajima! You look scary." I teased her. She looked mad and went back up on her bed. I got out off bed to see her hiding under her blanket.

"Mianhae. I was only just teasing you. So please don't be mad." I tried using my cutest voice I could possibly make. I heard her laugh a little.

"Don't ever do that again. It doesn't suit you." She said while laughing. Ah that smile that can melt anyone's heart. I'm dead.

"Tzuyu-ah! Sana-ah! Hurry up we are going to be late for class." We heard Mina yelling to us. I think that's the loudest I have ever heard her talk. I was already dress. Now just waiting on Sana to get ready.

"Sana. Hurry up. You move as slow as a turtle." I told her to make her move faster.

"Well I'm sorry that I'm slow. Hold on I am almost done." She was putting on some lipstick.

"Why are you putting on lipstick? Do you like someone?" I teased her.

"Ne." She said as she walked past me without taking a glance back.


We were walking down the hallway towards our locker. A group of upperclassmen guys walked passed us whistling and pretending to faint. I got mad at how childish they are being. I didn't notice that my hands had started to curl into fists.

"Someone jealous?" Chaeyoung whispered in my ear.

"Aniyo!" I said a little to high pitched. Making her look at me suspiciously. I preceded to walk away and dragging Sana along with me to the restroom.

"Wipe it off." I handed Sana a wet towel.

"Mwo? Wae?" She refused to do it. I pulled her closer to me so I could wipe it off myself.

"Because the guys are staring at you. That's why." I simply stated. I began to raise my hand to her face but she stopped me.

"I don't care about what those guys are saying or doing. I'm doing this for myself and to get the person I like to notice me." Sana started to make pouting faces.

"Who are you trying to impress?" I asked her. She started to twirl her fingers around and looking anywhere but at me. It has been silenced for a couple of minutes. She finally straightened up and looked at me.

"Neo." She firmly stated and walked right in front of me, pulled my face down and kissed me on the lips.

Authors note:

Hey guys!! Sorry for a late update but I hope this covers it for not updating sooner lol

But oh my gosh!!!! who is in love with Twice's new album?!?!?!?!?! I know I am:D

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