Chapter 21

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Sana POV

'Tzuyu isn't dead. She did not die. She wouldn't leave me. She will come and get me' I kept repeating that over and over again out loud to reassure myself so I wouldn't go crazy.

"You know the news doesn't lie." I lifted my head in shock hearing a voice coming out of no where.

"Sorry didn't mean to startle you. Wanted to see if you wanted any breakfast?" Mark raised a plate filled with fried eggs and toast. I didn't move or say anything to him.

"Alright, alright." He placed the plate on the bedside table. Walked over to the bed and sat on it. He is just watching me. Really creepy like.

"What do you want?" I finally broke the silence and his stare.

"Just to talk is all." He shifted his position.

"About?" I'm not really curious about whatever he has to talk about.

"Us." I snapped my head to look at him.

"Mwo?" What is he even talking about?

"Since we got rid of a problem, now we can start with us." Problem? Is he talking about Tzuyu? 

"There is no us. Never was never will be! And Tzuyu is not dead! So you can march little self out of here now." He is insane! How could even think that. I don't think he liked what I just told him.

"I didn't want to be the bad guy here. But you are really making it hard to be the nice guy." He got off the bed and walked over to me. Grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up. And forced me against the wall.

"There's nothing in our way for us being together. All you have to do is accept me and be mine." He held some of my hair and twirled it around his finger. I don't want him touching me so I slapped him across the face. He caressed his cheek. Feeling the heat rising up.

"If you can't accept being my woman. I will just have to force you to be." His face suddenly got dark. He wrapped his hand around my neck and slung me unto the bed. But he ripped off the necklace that was around my neck. He held it up in the air. Observing it like is was an insect.

"What do we have here?" He started to swing the necklace back and forth. I tried to grab it but he pulled it out of my reach.

"Give it back." I said.

"Why? Is it that special to you?" He asked. He had a mischievous look on his face.  An evil smile appeared on his face.

"Did Tzuyu give this to you?"  He teased me. As soon as the smile appeared it was gone in a flash


I'm sitting at a table in a cafe down the street. When I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes from behind me. I lifted my hands up and touched the pair of hands. So smooth to the touch.

"Tzuyu?" I asked. She peaked around my head and removed her hands from my eyes.

"How did you know?" She gave me a pecked on the cheek and sat across from me.

"I think I would know my girlfriend hands. Besides you were the one who told me to wait here until you get back." I stated to her. She only laughed at me.

"What took you so long?" I asked her while I took a sip of my tea.

"Well I had to go do something and it took a little bit longer then I expected it to." Tzuyu was fidgeting with something in her pocket.

"What do you have there?" Curiosity is killing me.

"Hold on. Yogi." She handed me a box. I just stared at it then at her like, what am I supposed to do with this?

"Open it, silly." Tzuyu gestured me to open it up. 

It took me a minute to figure out which way for it to be so it would open up. Finally, I fount the opening and opened it. It was a necklace with a little squirrel  as the charm on it.

"Oh Tzuyu. It's so pretty, but why did you get this? It must have been expensive!" I was flabbergasted.

"Don't worry about any of that stuff. I just got it because it reminded me of you." She did her cute little eye smile that can melt hearts. She grabbed the box from me and took out the necklace Walked behind me and put the necklace on me.

"You have to promise never to take off this necklace no matter what. I will always be able to find you no matter what."

"I promise." She leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

"Well then we should get rid of everything that connects to Tzuyu. Shouldn't we?"He said, shaking me out of the memory. He then threw the necklace at the wall and it landed on the ground a few feet away from me.

"No!" I got up to retrieve it but he kicked me back on the bed and jumped on top of me.

"Now. Shall we get back to business?" He held me down so I wouldn't try to get away. I need to get him off me before something bad really happens. He leaned in towards my face and I headed butted him. Making move away from me. Then I kicked him in his area and he went down.

I got up ran to pick up the necklace then ran towards the door to get out of here. As soon as I opened the door, another guy was standing there. He grabbed a hold of me and covered my mouth with his hand. I bit him hard but he still didn't remove his hand.

"Shush. It won't hurt to bad. Unless you move a lot." He pulled something out of his pocket. I felt a sharp little pain in my arm. He injected me with some unknown substances.

I started to feel drowsy and I slowly began to drop to the floor. As he laid me onto the floor, I looked at the necklace. Something in the necklace had made a little flashing light.

'Tzuyu, please find me.' Then I was out.

Tzuyu POV

I am so worn out. I can not thing of a thing to find Sana, somewhere in the woods. It's to vague! Sana! Please just give me a sign so I know where I can find you.

*Ding dong*

My phone notification went off.I picked it up and saw a location of a device.

"What is this?" I clicked on it and it pulled up a location in the woods with a little pinpoint saying, my squirrel.

Oh my gosh! How can I forget the necklace!! Stupid.

I packed up my gear that I needed and messaged Jeongyeon about the plan and to move forward with it when I give them the sign.

"Hold on Sana. I'm coming for you."

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