Chapter Ten

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I expect to die right away. I don't understand what's taking them so long, the guard literally has a gun in the holster on his belt. What is more important? Do they want to make us feel even less relaxed, well it's working! I mean, not on John he's sitting down yawning and looking quite bored. As the train goes through SunLife I wonder where we're going, I know they said the Capitol but nobody knows where it is. If you try to walk there all you'll find is a barren wasteland. As I'm wondering where we are going something strange happens, the guard pulls out a button and presses it. I flinch and brace myself for the explosion so naturally, I'm a bit confused when it doesn't come. I peak through my fingers to observe what's happening. It might not seem strange at first but after he pressed it the grey, gloomy sky started to open like a door! The sky had been fake all along. "Excuse me? What on earth is going on?!" The guard turned towards me and laughed, "Here in the Capitol we have far more advanced technology than you. The sky is a dome around SunLife, it keeps you out of the Capitol and it makes you depressed because the sky is literally grey." I just sit there with my mouth open trying to comprehend what he just told me.

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