Chapter Twenty Two

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"May I have permission to work on my project with John?" I have to tell him the news, we have to save the town. As soon as we get to my room I pull out the map of SunLife and see that it could easily be destroyed by one explosion in the right place. "W-what's wrong? Are you okay?" John sounds concerned, he should be! The town is going to be destroyed... I forgot to tell him, didn't I? "They aren't using us to get revenge on our parents. They are using us to destroy the town and then potentially take over whatever's outside the border." He looks petrified. After looking at the map he looks even worse. "All they would need to do is blow that up." He says in a small voice whilst pointing at the town hall. They built it right in the centre of the town, I guess now we know why. It's weird seeing John look so scared and I find myself looking more at him than at the map. I quickly snap myself out of it though because the important thing is saving the town. "What can we do to save them?" I ask him. He's quiet for a minute and then goes...

"We tell them"

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