Chapter Seventeen

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We go to the doctors once more but this time there are quite a few people there, the most noticeable is a man wearing all black with a hooded jacket obscuring his face. Sheikha Mariam steps forward with a look of disgust on her face, yes finally she's stopped trying to hide her disappointment, woo hoo! "Jamila we are so disappointed in you. We thought you showed so much promise we were thinking about letting you become our trainee doctor, but now look at you! Jack, your turn." The man wearing black takes off his hood and I gasp. The whole left side of his face is covered with a blistering burn from his forehead to his chin. It's all red and seeping with yellow puss and blood. It's horrifying. I didn't notice before but he walks with a heavy limp. What on earth has happened to this poor man? "Disgraceful!" He spat at me. "Why would you let this happen Jamila? Why would you want to remember what your parents put you through?" He sounded livid! What's he talking about though? My parents never did anything to hurt me. "What are you talking about sir? My parents were always kind and understanding". I might as well have punched him in the face. "You dare talk back to me after what you've done?! You dare question me after the whole reason you're here is because your parents dropped you off here after they realised too that you are going nowhere in life?" Even though I didn't know what he was talking about, it still stung. "Everyone here is here because their parents didn't want them, I saw you earlier looking at my face and limp, pretty isn't it? You can thank my parents for that. That's why I created this place, I wanted a safe place for children to come too when their parents failed them like mine failed me. We will get our revenge but for the time being you need to be whipped into shape since you're all weaklings." He stood back and let Sheikha Mariam talk to me again. She gave me a smug smile and then said in that annoying sing-song voice; taking way too much pleasure in saying the word, "Guard".

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