Chapter Thirty Three

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I had been so worried about John that I had not even realised that I had quite a deep cut on my forehead. I was cleaning it when my best friend Serena came up to me and took the cloth from my hand, "So what's up between you and John? He looks sad whenever he looks at you!" She gives me a sympathetic glance and starts cleaning my wound again. "He told me he loved me and then walked out of the room. I asked if it was like a sister and if anything that made him feel worse. I feel so stupid!" I take a deep breath and then take out the needle and thread to stitch up my head wound. "Maybe you feel stupid because you actually like him! I mean I like him, look at him. If you don't ask him out, I will!" She laughs but I have a feeling that she is not actually joking. "Hey, can you hold this?" I hand her a mirror and she holds it up so that I can see my face as I start stitching my face, "Look, all I'm saying is that maybe it won't be so bad to open yourself up to new opportunities! From what I have seen giving him a chance will not kill you, at least not yet!" We laugh and I finish stitching my head. "Are you going to fight with us?" I ask her. She sets the mirror down and gives me a 'really?' look, "Of course! How could I not? They are the reason my dad is gone, I will not go down without putting up a fight." She puts down the mirror and we go and start practising with the weapons, Serena doesn't know that much about sparring so I teach her some basic moves. She is very good at using guns though and hits the centre of the target almost every time. "Come here Jamila!" My mum calls to me, "Have something to eat!" I walk over to my mum and see everyone gather at a table with food. It isn't anything special, still boiled chicken and rice like we usually have but it feels different than how it usually does. Everyone is eating together and joking and laughing, it feels like a big family which makes it worse to know that soon we are going to be fighting to keep our home. For once I decide to leave the bad thoughts behind and live in the moment. As soon as I decide this though I get sat next to Jeremy and the bad memories start flooding in again. He was in the year above me in school and was completely awful. He would taunt me every day and come up with excuses to be around me just to call me names. It hit the climax when I tried to walk past him once and he instead decided I couldn't and when I tried to walk past anyway, he punched me in the face. That was when I first started learning self-defence. "Hey, Sammy Jammy! I am surprised they didn't kill you over there considering how boring and annoying you are." He says all of this in a very condescending manner which makes me want to punch him, so I punch him. He holds his bleeding nose and goes to clean it, not before whispering threateningly, "You will pay for this Jamila Afdil, even if it is the last thing I do!" And then he runs off like the baby that he truly is. I turn and notice that everyone is staring at me so I just shrug, put on my most innocent face and say, "What?" Before anyone can ask though a large explosion causes the room to shake. "Quick! Get weapons, they're here....."

I took my sword, dagger, rifle, and handgun and started going upstairs. I was running right next to John when I started hyperventilating, "Hey, hey! It is going to be okay, do not worry. Everyone is going to be fine." I calm down a bit and we continue running up the stairs. We finally reach the battle scene and we take it all in, rubble all over the town from explosions, and fire all around us but at least we are fighting adults although I am guessing that my cure did not work. John turns to look at me and says, "Will you be alright?" Time seems to slow down and I don't think, I kiss him. He looks incredibly shocked, "I am really sorry, I should not have done that I'm rea-" He cuts me off by kissing me. After I can see that his eyes are sparkling, "Guys! Now is NOT the time! We are in a battle!" Serena is shouting at us but I don't notice, "GUYS!" I snap out of my daze and start heading off in a different direction than John, "Don't you dare die, Sanders". I say with a smile, "Wouldn't dream of it Afdil, would not dream of it" He says also smiling. I turn and my smile turns into a hard face as I get ready to fight. My first opponent is Jessica, good. I never liked her anyway. Our aim is to maim not kill, unlike them we still have dignity. So instead of stabbing her in her stomach, I slam the flat of my blade onto her forehead so that she is knocked unconscious and I can move on. Next is Simon who puts up a bit more of a fight. He tries to stab my forehead which I block and then grab his knife out of his hand and use it to stab his foot. I then knock him unconscious as well. Maurice swaggers up to me with a smug grin on his face and pulls out a shotgun, he then proceeds to shoot my arm, "How rude! I thought we had something Maurice!" So, you guessed right, I knocked him unconscious. I keep doing this, earn a scrape to the forehead, until I am face to face with Jack. "Why won't you just give up? What do you even have against me?"

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