Chapter Twenty Three

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We've been planning our escape for a few days when Jack told us the dreaded news, "Children, the day you have been waiting for is almost here!" Everyone started cheering until a stern look silenced us. "Tomorrow we will travel to SunLife and show them who the real boss is". I looked over to John and he looked as concerned as I felt. The worst thing was seeing these children cheering at the prospect of getting revenge on their parents. My four-year-old brother cheered at the idea of hurting our parents without ever meeting them. After that awful meeting, we were told to go and practice by either fighting or studying maps together, we chose the latter. I had made more anti-serum but in a gas form to make it easier to distribute, John was finding an easy way to escape without alerting anyone. We decided that today would be the best day to do it because everyone was walking around and we wouldn't draw much attention to ourselves. We packed the stuff we would need and headed out.

Not our best idea.

Jack saw us two minutes in and realised that we were not going the right way. "I know about your plan. You're trying to escape and you've both got your memories. I am not going to let two 14-year-old kids get in my way." He sounded really menacing, not as menacing as his gun was though. He aimed his bazooka at us and pulled the trigger. It felt like everything happened in slow motion. John grabbed me and dove to the side just before the explosion I saw my brother running up to us with a look of confusion on his face, and then came the explosion. I felt the shock on the other side of the room even with our shock absorbent clothes as well. I looked up and ran over to my brother but I was too late. He was dead.

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