Chapter Twelve

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A small gasp escapes my lips as she says this. My brother's still alive? My dad's brother, is he alive too? This changes everything but...Where are they? I feel like I'm about to explode. Before I can ask though metal bars come out of the chairs and pin me and John to the sofa Mariam however is unaffected. "Well I'm afraid time has run out. It really was nice meeting you well, you John not Jamila. In case you were wondering why you're here Jamila just remember our first meeting and you'll have all the answers you need...Oh silly me! You won't remember anything, well farewell!" She exits the room with a cackle and a flick of her hair. Two guards come in each carrying a syringe with an obsidian black liquid inside it, to my horror they walk towards us and inject it into our arms. I start to shake and feel weak as I see my veins triple in size; turning a deathly shade of midnight. I try to turn and see if the same thing is happening to John but my neck won't budge. Just as my veins look like they're about to explode I pass out.

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