Rue- "I better be"

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Description: Everyone can see you've fallen in love with Rue except you.
"Can you just stop" I mumbled just low enough for Rue to hear. She just smiled scrunching her nose. I found the annoyance melting away a smile breaking out across my face. I looked down from Rue to my work that now had small little doodles drawn all over it. As I stared at the drawings Rue started on the other side. "Rue!" I reached over trying to pull the pen from the girl but failing. The two of us gripped the pencil, our faces only inches away from one another. I looked up at the girl as I continued to wrestle the pen out of her grip. Rue was so focused on the pen while I was focused on her. I stopped wrestling for the pen and Rue was quickly able to take the pen from me.
"I'm the winner" Rue gloated as she created a small space between us. Her gaze meeting mine and brought me back to the present moment. Were in the middle of the library, what are we doing. I coughed trying to cover my lack of words. I could feel the heat rising to my face. Rue was watching me as I turned back to my work trying to hide my face. Rue started to speak.
"Hope we're not interrupting anything" Elliot and Jules joined our table looking between the two of us. I looked up at the blonde, her eyes passed from Rue to me. Rue was still looking at me.
"No, your not" I finally found my voice. They hadn't we were just two friends. It wasn't flirting. Rue and I aren't like that. I focused on the work in front of me that was due for the next lesson. My face still felt warm I was just hoping it wasn't visible how flustered I was.
"You sure about that? It seemed like..." "You weren't" Elliot started but I quickly cut him off. "Rue was just messing around that's all" I looked over at Rue who tilted her head.
"Jeez alright, I was just joking" Elliot held his hands up with a laugh. Silence fell over the group before Jules finally spoke, a small conversation-starting between the three. Every now and then I could feel Rue looking at me, her gaze making me more and more flustered. I grabbed my work and placed it in my bag as well as the few belongings I had on the table.
"I'm gonna go. I promised I'd speak to Lexi before class" I zipped my back up and placed it on my shoulder. "I'll see you guys in class" I couldn't bring myself to look at Rue in case she could see the truth. I left the library and walked a few steps before stopping and resting against the wall. What the hell is going on with me?

"Hey y/n" I turned to see Maddy walking down the corridor, alone, which was unusual, Kat was with her most of the time.
"Hey Maddy, no Kat?" I asked as she walked closer Maddy rolled her eyes.
"ugh don't. She's with Ethan" Maddy crossed her arms pulling a face.
"I thought you liked Ethan?" I turned to fully face the girl.
"I do...but..." She huffed resting against the locker. "It's hard to see two people so in love, having someone so in love with you, like all you guys"
"What do you mean? I'm not in love with anyone" Maddy rolled her eyes shaking her head.
"sure" She turned to look at me a strand of her hair falling in front of her face.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, Kat has Ethan, Cassie has McKay, Lexi has Fez, you have Rue..." I let out a small laugh shaking my head and looking down at the floor. I wasn't in love with Rue.
"I'm not in love with Rue" I turned back to Maddy who just gave me a sympathetic smile. "I'm not..."
"Yeah you are, you just can't see it" I rested my head back against the lockers, no. "Okay, y/n let me ask you a few questions..." Maddy moved the pieces of hair out of her face. "When you are around her does your heartbeat so fast you think she might hear it, does your mind go blank, do you forget how to speak around her, do you become flustered around her?..." My gazed move from Maddy to the plain school flooring. Scuff marks from where students had dragged their feet while walking to class. "Is the time you spend with her the best time ever? Do you trust her with everything? Would you put her happiness first? Is she the best part of your day?" I let out a sigh as Maddy spoke, eventually, she stopped.
"How did you get so wise in love?" I turned to look over at the girl who was wearing a small smile.
"When it's something you've wanted your whole life, something you thought you had. When you are the only person that was in love you learn things" I knew she was talking about Nate, I wished that one day Maddy would find someone that would love her as much as she loved them. "So are you going to admit you love Rue?" I turned glaring at the girl slightly. "I mean everyone in the school can see you love her and she loves you" I knew she was right and part of me hated that she was. "I think you are the only person that doesn't know. I mean I think even Rue knows" Maddy laughed. I shook my head just as the school bell rang signalling lunch was over and it was time to attend class.

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