No matter how much he hurts me I still go back to him

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Jisung got on the plane and finally took a deep breath. He had been running from Eagle for months now, and he had no idea how he found him there in Korea. But that was a problem for later.

 He took out his phone and texted his best friend to let him know that he was going back home after 5 long months of traveling around Asia. And then he put his phone in airplane mode, put his headphones on, and relaxed. Han closed his eyes trying to fall asleep since he didn't speel last night, but there was something, rather someone on his mind that didn't let him sleep.


-A few months later-

Minho was getting ready to give his last exam of the semester. Lately, he was running on 3 hours of sleep each night, A LOT of caffeine, stress, and anxiety. He was a wreak. (Not me projecting myself on poor Minho)

"Dude you look horrible!" said his roommate.

"Glad to know that I look like how I feel." said the brown-haired with a deep breath.

"Come on, let's go out tonight, you've studied enough." said the other man.

"I can't tonight I have to go to my dad's house, he's back in the city this weekend," replied Minho stretching his arms while leaning back on the chair.

"Alright, then the boys and I are going for drinks. See you on Monday!"

"You guys have fun!" said Minho as his roommate left.


Minho was now standing in front of his family home waiting for the maid to open the door.

"Good evening, Mr.Lee!" greeted the maid.

"Good evening!" smiled Minho and then made his way inside the house.

"Dad!" he called when he didn't find him in the living room.

 "Mr.Lee is in his office upstairs." said the maid.

"Ah, thank you. I'm going upstairs then," he said and made his way to his dad's office. When he opened the door he found his father sitting behind his big work desk filled with paperwork, writing something on his computer.

"Minho, you're here." said the old man.

"Yes. Good evening!" said the boy and sat down on the chair in front of the desk.

"You said you wanted to talk about something," he spoke again after a few minuter of silence.

"Ah, yes! I have a new project and I wanted you to take the lead," he said finally looking at Minho.

"What project?"

"We're financing a youth care center in Australia Mr. Bang is in this project too. I wanted you to lead this because I know you'll do a good job."

"Wait you want me to go to Australia?" asked Minho in disbelief.

 "Yes. Take the next semester off and focus on this project." said the old man.

"Ah, Sarah's son is going there in two weeks. For some reason, he wants to study in Australia. You can take off together."

 "Alright then." sighed Minho since it was useless to say no to his father.


"Hyunjin you motherfucker!"

"Incorrect! I'm not into milfs, but go on what do you want?" said Hyunjin on the phone.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to study in Australia?" asked Minho.

"Ah, I didn't tell you? Well, hey hoe, I'm going to study in Australia. Happy!" replied Hyunjin sarcastically.

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