Han Jisung

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-The next morning-

The sound of the alarm going off was what woke Minho up. It was only 7 am, and last night, after coming back from the club at 2 am, he had spent another hour thinking about the mysterious boy he met at the back of the club. So he didn't slept until around 4 am.

But hey, nothing some coffee and a lot of energy drinks couldn't fix, am I right?

He dragged his body up to go to the bathroom, but as he did, he felt his head hurt like a bitch.

"I shouldn't have drank that much last night. Damn it!" he cursed under his breath and entered the bathroom. He turned the shower on, stripped off of his clothes, and got under the hot water. His face facing the running water with his eyes closed and his mind traveling back to that face. The way the boy smoked the cigarette wrapping his lips around it, inhaling the smoke, and then with a soft blow letting it all out of his mouth made Minho feel things. Those lips, he wanted to know what they taste like. Minho hated the smell and taste of smoke, but he was sure he would have no problem devouring that boy's mouth even if it was full of disgusting smoke.

Shit, if he kept thinking about him like that he'd get a boner, and no one needs a boner before going to the fucking airport. So he turned the water cold to wash away the hot feeling that was forming inside his guts.

"Yo, did you fall asleep while taking a shit or something?" yelled Hyunjin, who had apparently come to his room.

"I'm taking a shower, you idiot!"

A few minutes later Minho came out of the bathroom only wearing a towel around his waist with water dripping down his shoulders due to his still-wet hair. Hyunjin was sitting on his bed looking at his phone. He looked up and eyed Minho.

"Have I ever told you that if you weren't my best friend since like forever, I'd fuck the shit out of you?"

"Ew, please, that's gay." laughed the older.

"You're literally gay bitch!"

"And who said you'd top you nuddle-like a human being."

"Let's find out!" joked Hyunjin.

"Yeah, no, I have no clue what STDs you may have. You sleep around too much."

"That offends me, my dear friend."

"Get out! I gotta get dressed."

"Nothing I haven't seen before," Hyunjin said before leaving the room.

This was normal for them, to joke around with each other, but the truth is, they never had any type of romantic or sexual feeling toward each other. The two were just that close as friends to be comfortable enough to talk about shit like this and not find it weird.


They arrived at the airport in time, luckily. Their parents were already there waiting for them.

"Where the hell were you two last night?" asked Hyunjin's mom.

"At the club-" said Hyunjin before being cut off by the older boy.

"At the book club event that was held in that big library, we saw near the hotel. It was a nice event," said Lino giving Hyunjin a death glare.

"Yeah, we were there. It was nice. The books were...very nice."

"Oh, Ok then," she replied looking at her phone probably doing some work-related stuff like she always did.

"Minho," spoke Mr. Lee.


"Mr.Bang has a daughter..."

(Chan's sister is actually an original character in this story I'm not talking about Hannah)


"Listen, son, she's a nice and beautiful young lady. If you two would get along and maybe like each other enough in a few years, we could unite our companies with a marriage-"

"Dad! Stop it! You know I can't marry a girl." said Minho on the verge of tears holding his hands in a fist.

"Minho, leave this phase of your life behind and grow up! You need to be a man and think about things rationally." replied his father with a strict and emotionless tone. Minho felt like screaming and crying right there and then, but he couldn't. He knew he'd be crying in a silent cry inside his room later that night like he did most nights when his father was home and made these comments.

"Dad, this is not a phase! This is who I am..."

"Son...we'll talk about this later," replied Mr.Lee as he checked his ringing phone, "I have to take this call," and then he went a few meters away to talk on the phone.

Mrs.Hwang and Hyunjin watched the scene in silence. This wasn't the first time they'd heard this conversation.

"Listen, Minnie, your father is old-fashioned, but I'm sure he'll come around and accept it one day." said the woman with a warm smile, trying to cheer Mhino up.

Before Minho could say anything, a boy dressed in all black stormed inside the airport, running as if his life depended on it. He was looking back like he was being chased by someone while running. The boy didn't see Minho standing there, so he bumped into him, and they both fell to the ground. Minho's back fit the floor hard, and the boy fell on top of him, knocking the air off the older's lungs.

When the boy dressed in black managed to pull himself up, they made eye contact. Holy shit! It was him! It was that boy. They looked at each other for a second before the younger got up without even saying sorry, and ran away again.

"Hey, you asshole, at least say sorry!" yelled Hyunjin from behind. At that moment, another man entered the airport. He was tall and had a muscular build. He looked like one of those gag leaders you see in K-dramas.

"Han Jisung, you fucker! I'm going to find you and kill you!" he yelled at the boy, who didn't stop running. Jisung, that was his name apparently, just kept going ahead, he went to the check-in and then disappeared. The other man standing at the entrance of the airport pulled out his phone, made a call, and then left.

Meanwhile, Minho was still processing what the fuck just happened. The eye contact, the boy's body pressed on his, the gang leader-looking guy, was all too much.

"What the hell was that!" said Hyunjin in disbelief and then went to help Minho stand back up.

"Are you ok?" said Mrs.Hwan.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine."

Han Jisung, huh? That's his name...thought Mhino looking in the direction where Han disappeared into the crowd, just like he did the first time they met.

Is it meant to be// MinsungTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon