My end of the deal pt.2

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"Fuck Kitten it hurts"
"Just endure it a bit longer I'm almost finished," said the older.
"Ahh" screamed Jisung.
Minho sighed and rolled his eyes. Jisung was being overly dramatic.
Minho was just cleaning up with alcohol the cut Jisung had made on his finger while chopping some onions.
"Man up!" said Minho once he was done.
"That is some stereotypical bullshit you're pulling on me! Are you saying men are only supposed to be strong and not feel pain"
"No..." he sighed.
"You're insufferable. You know what I mean"
"I don't," said Jisung trying to find a reason to argue.
Lately, they had been arguing a lot, but it only lasted a couple of hours and they would either makeup by cuddling each other or by having very rough angry sex. And at that moment Jisung was hoping to get the latter.
"I told you you should stay out of the kitchen," said Minho.
"But I wanna help"
"Go babysit the cats!"
"I wanna help in the kitchen"
"You are only making a disaster"
"Alright, I'll go hang out with the babies. I like them better than you anyway " he said and went to the living room.
Minho shook his head and went back to cooking.
Jisung was being childish. Sometimes it was annoying, but when Minho thought about it, the boy hadn't been able to fully live his childhood. His innocence was taken away from him at an extremely early age. With his father's death, his mother leaving him, being introduced to the world and life of the mafia, and being sexually abused by Jackson, Minho wondered how he wasn't completely broken yet. Jisung was truly strong.
So when he acted a bit childishly, Minho was actually happy because Jisung felt safe and comfortable enough with him to be vulnerable and let his more childlike self come through.

"Food is ready," said Minho once he was done cooking and setting the table.
"You're such husband material" joked Jisung sitting down and making Minho smile.
"Oh yeah?" he asked raising an eyebrow. Jisung found it extremely hot when he did that.
"Yeah definitely"
"I'll let you know if my future husband thinks the same," said Minho and also sat down.
"Hey by the way. Do you have anything planned for the weekend?" Asked Minho.
"I have to finish arranging a song but I think I can do it before Friday. Why?" Asked Jisung before stuffing his mouth with food.
"I wanted to take you somewhere special since it's Christmas."
"Aren't you an atheist?" said Jisung.
"I am but you aren't. You told me once that it is your favorite holiday and it was my mom's too so yeah..."
"Oh ok"
"So you coming with me?" Asked Minho.
"You could ask me to go all the way down in Hell and I'd follow you blindly. So yes obviously." sighed Jisung.
"Great then" smiled Minho and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.


That morning Minho woke Jisung up early and they got ready quickly to leave for where the older had planned to spend the weekend.
"Can I at least know where we're going, kitten?" asked Jisung while putting some clothes on.
"Nope" smiled Minho and kissed his cheek.
"I'll go get the cats ready"
"They're coming too?"
"I'm not leaving my children behind! Of course, they are " he said and rushed downstairs.
Once everyone was ready they got in the car and Minho drove to the destination. The road was covered in snow and Jisung loved it. It reminded him of his childhood when he used to be happy and when his mom still somehow cared about him. Minho noticed how happy he looked and smiled.
"Can I put my new song on? I want your opinion on this" asked Han and Minho nodded.
"Sure. I love your music"
"And I love you. Alright, listen to this," said Han with a smile and put on the song. Minho listened to it carefully so he could give his boyfriend feedback. Once the song ended Jisung looked at Minho waiting for him to speak.
"Ok. I know I say this all the time and it looks like I never tell you your songs are bad, but truly I don't think you're capable of making bad music" said Minho.
"So you like it?" asked Han smiling like a little kid.
"I love it. Who's it about" smirked Minho.
It was a love song and the lyrics talked about love and passion, and some very specific moments and emotions that Minho knew very well who Jisung lived them with.
"It's about this boy that has stolen my heart and makes me feel like I'm his everything. Plus he's also very good in bed and fucks me so good," said Jisung, and Minho smirked.
"I would kiss you right now if I wasn't diving," said the older.
"Tell me, baby"
"I love you so fucking much"
"I love you too. A lot."
Then from the backseat, the cats started meowing.
"Dads are having a moment can you not interrupt us, loves" sighed Jisung.

Is it meant to be// MinsungDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora