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When Minho arrived in Hawaii, Kai had paid him for a taxi to get to his studio where they were supposed to meet. While waiting for the taxi, he called Hyunjin.

"Hey, you awake?" he asked as soon as his best friend picked up.
"Yeah, I just woke up. You're in Hawaii right now, right?"
"Yeah, I just landed. I'm fucking exhausted..."
"Go, rest! You can think about work later," said Hyunjin.
"No, I want to get work done then I can rest. Anyway are you sure about the thing?" asked Minho.

"What thing?"
"You know...the thing you've been stressing me out for two months straight..."
"Ohhh...right that thing. Yeah, I'm 100% sure, but I'm hella scared too. Like I don't know if it's the right timing," he said.
"You know I'm the wrong person to ask about these things, but do what your heart tells you, I guess," said Minho.
"I'll ask Chan for advice. Oh, by the way, you better have practiced some English." teased Hyunjin.
"Oh fuck you! I can speak English now...more or less"
"I doubt that..."
"I gotta go now my taxi is here. I'll call you again tonight,"
"Alright, bye!" He hung up and got in the taxi.


"Thank God you're here," said Kai as Minho entered his studio.
"Good to see you too," said Minho.

"I was on the phone with the artist's manager...Can't believe that fucker, is suing me when I wrote the fucking song!" said Kai.
"Alright, pause. Explain the situation to me first," said the older.
"So, this artist, her name is Grace, used to work for me, but last year she got fired because we got into a fight. At the time we had her new single almost ready, so when the whole thing happened I refused to let her have the song that I wrote. I gave the song to another artist that works for me, and she was furious and sued me, basically claiming that she wrote the song and shit like that,"
"She wants the copyright of the song?"

"Ok, then I'll see what I can do," said Minho, and Kai nodded. 

Minho sat down, took out his computer, and began doing some research. Meanwhile, Kai was calling someone.

"You finally decided to pick up! Where the hell are you?" he said.
Minho was obviously not paying attention to the younger's phone call since he didn't want to violate his privacy, but Kai seemed angry with whomever he was speaking to.

"Get your ass here as soon as you can, Peter. We need to have a long conversation together," he said before hanging up.
"Sorry about that...a friend who works for me,  he's a real pain in the ass, I wish I could fire him, but he's a music genius and lyrics writer. I need the guy..." sighed Kai.
"Oh, don't worry about that,"


After working non-stop on Kai's case, Minho finally had everything ready. It wouldn't be hard for him to win the case. He had handled much more complicated ones. He gathered his things and made his way to his room. He was going to stay in Kai's beach house instead of getting a hotel room.

As he walked past the other rooms, he heard a guitar sound coming from the room in front of his.

 It was a very nice melody, but he was too tired to stay there and listen, so he unlocked his door got inside his room, and crushed down the bed.

He was almost falling asleep when he heard a voice.

 A voice singing followed by the sweet sound of the acoustic guitar. It came from the same room as earlier. But what actually caught Minho's attention was that the voice sounded familiar. It sounded just like Jisung's. 

His heart started beating faster and faster as he thought of the possibility of Jisung being the one singing behind that door. He was about to go and check, but before doing so, he stopped himself. It was probably his mind playing tricks on him since he was tired, better not to disturb whoever was in that room. 

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