Is this a Goodbye?

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This is kinda short and I don't like it that much but yeah enjoy...or try to ig

Jisung told Minho everything. He didn't feel like keeping it a secret anymore, he was tired and he knew that it was probably already over for him now that Jackson found him. All Jisung hoped for is to try and save Minho. The older had the blue-haired between his arms trying to reassure him that everything would be fine. 

"Hannie, we'll find a way out of this, ok?"
Jisung wanted to believe those words, god he really did, but he couldn't. Jisung knew that Jackson always took what he wanted, and if he wanted him, there was nothing to stop him. He didn't want Minho to get hurt, he didn't want Felix or anyone in his life to get hurt.

 "Jisung, promise me you won't just give up. We have to at least try and escape." said the older when he saw Jisung losing all hope when he saw his eyes lose their life.

 "Ok, let's try"

When Jackson came back inside the room, followed by two of his men, of course, Jisung and Minho were standing there waiting for an opportunity to get out. 

"Jisung, have you made your mind about my offer." 

"My answer is still the same, asshole. I would much rather die than come back to you" said Jisung getting closer to Jackson, alarming his two bodyguards, who then took out their guns. The blue-haired was furious. 

"I had hoped you would make the right choice but as always you are stubborn," said Jackson and tried to grab Jisung by his neck, but before he could Minho stopped his hand.
"Touch him again and I will kill you." said the older with a piercing gaze full of hate.

 "You have quite a bold friend here, Jisung," said Jackson taking his hand away from Minho's grip. Jisung looked around the room, it was empty, so there was no way to find cover if they shoot. He then looked over to the two men who were holding their guns up ready to put a hole in their heads at any given second. There was really no way out.

 "I think I should teach your friend some manners," said Jackson before kicking Minho's stomach with his knee. Minho didn't see it coming, because the man moved really fast, so he couldn't protect himself. The brown-haired fell to the floor. Jisung immediately pushed Jackson away and went to see if Minho was ok. 

"Are you ok?" 

"Yeah I'm fine" 

 "I told you to leave him out of this," said Jisung helping the older get back up.

 "I don't think I will. Now that I know how much he means to you" said the man before pointing his gun at Minho's head. Jisung's heart stopped for a second when he saw the gun being pointed at Minho. 

"Now Jisung, when you left and you sold me out to Eagle, I lost a lot of money and men. I was being very generous when I said I'd let you come back and work for me again." 

"Jackson put the damn gun down." 

"If you decide not to do what I say I'll punish you by killing him."

 Minho couldn't move. Seeing the gun being held close to his head and the man's finger on the trigger only seconds away from ending his life horrified him. Jisung was no better he was scared too. 

"Don't kill him! Please put the gun down...I'll come back to you just let him go" said Jisung with a destroyed voice.

 "No Hannie wait"
"I'll come to you if you let him go home. If you guarantee me he'll be safe. I won't even fight it."

 Jackson was shocked.

 "Does this boy really mean this much to you?"

 "Yes, now do we have a deal or not"

 "We do" 

"Hannie you can't go back to him!" said Minho grabbing Jisung's shoulders and making the younger look at him.

"It's alright I'll be fine..." said Jisung with a fake smile.

"No, I can't let you do this just for me..." said Minho in tears. 

"Minho it would hurt me more to see you hurt..." replied Jisung caressing the older's face.

 "Jisung, I can't let you do this... I lo-"

 "Take him home!" interrupted Jackon. His two men grabbed Minho and dragged him out of the room. Minho tried to fight it but it was useless, they were too strong. "Jisung!" he yelled but the boy didn't reply he just let the older be taken away, be taken home where he could be safe.

 Minho was taken home by the two men, and they warned him to stay away if he didn't want to die. He was destroyed, he felt powerless, he couldn't save Jisung. Minho saw Jisung's face, the fear in his eyes, the pain in his voice, he wanted to scream and ruin Jackson's life for everything he did to the younger. For everything, he did to his Jisung.
Minho's brain overflowed with thoughts, he was trying to find a way to save the blue-haired, but he couldn't find any. He sat on the dirty ground and held his head between his hands, he was going insane. He didn't want to lose Jisung. At that moment he realized how much he had fallen for the younger, the fear of losing him forever horrified him. Then he cried till he felt like he had no more tears left to cry. His heart ached and his body felt weak. He needed to do something. 


"That was a wise choice you made Jisung. That friend of yours was just what I needed to convince you" 

"Shut up! I will kill you if you lay a finger on him" 

"There's no need to. I promise you he will be fine as long as you do as I say" said the man. 

"I will you just stay away from him." 

"Do you love him that much, dear Jisung?" asked the men with a bitter tone.
Jisung didn't need to think twice before answering yes. He loved Minho, he had to accept it now. He would much rather bear the pain himself than see Minho get hurt. He was so in love with the older that he was willing to relive all his traumas if it meant keeping him safe.

"Well won't you look at that, my little selfish Jisung loves someone that much to sacrifice himself. I am moved really" said Jisung grabbing Jisung's face. 

"Take your hands off me, you filthy bastard!" said Jisung taking his hand violently away. 

"We'll get plenty of time to play together later, dear," said Jackson with a disgusting smile that made Jisungs stomach twist.

Jisung was unsure of what would happen to him but he was happy at least Minho didn't get hurt, even though it meant that he would never see him again. The boy held his tears and followed Jackson to the black car, and then they left. The blue-haired didn't know the destination all he knew is that wherever he was going it would be like hell for him.

Is it meant to be// MinsungOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz