Under the Red Lights

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The bar was big and full of people. There was a stage in one corner, and the other corner was reserved, there were two big couches, that was the V.I.P area The rest of the space was opened for people to dance. The whole club was lighted with red lights. Minho liked it.

"This is a nice bar." he said.

"Thanks," said Chan, who was coming their way.

"Hey!" said Minho.

"Hi, nice to see you again!"

"Yo! Is Changbin here yet?" asked Han.

"He'll be here in 5 minutes, you, go set up the stage. I'll show Minho around," said Chan.

"Ok, boss!" said Han and made his way to the stage, but of course, as he went, he had to turn around and check Minho's butt and thighs once more.Those leather pants were really doing it for him, and the fact that Minho was already attractive even in sweatpants didn't help either.

"Han!" said Chan when he caught him looking.

"What?" said the younger, trying to act clueless.

"GO!" ordered Chan and shook his head.

Minho was oblivious to all this, so he was confused when Chan started laughing.

"What's funny?" asked the brown-haired.

"Nothing, nothing. Let me show you around." said Chan.


Felix was home alone, with nothing to distract himself, so his mind traveled back to Hyunjin and the last time he saw the older. He felt like crying again, thinking about how he wasn't able to just say it that night, how he chickened out and Hyunjin finally had enough and left. He wanted to talk to Hyunjin, but he wasn't sure if the older would listen to him now.

In the back of his head, he also felt like smocking or taking some pills, but he promised Jisung and himself that he wouldn't do that anymore. So he took his car keys and left the house.


Hi, I'm going out tonight I don't think I'll be home till tomorrow. Do you have the keys?

Ji(evil twin)

yeah I have the keys

Where are you going?


I don't know I'll just drive around and see where I end up. Don't worry I'll be ok

Ji(evil twin)

alright just be careful k?

After texting Jisung, he went first to get coffee and then to a park near the neighborhood. He sat on a bench there and drank his coffee in silence. He felt broken. For the first time in his life, he was terrified of losing someone. All these years, Hyunjin had been that one person that no matter what, Felix was convinced he would never lose. And maybe taking Hyunjin's presence for granted, he made all those mistakes breaking the older's heart over and over again. Felix wanted to punch himself. It was all his fault.

Being desperate Felix finally got up and went back to his car. He got in and drove to Hyunjin's university. Felix was either going to lose Hyunjin for good, or get him back tonight, and he was ready to live with both outcomes. Or at least he was ready to try.

He didn't know Hyinjin's room number so he had to ask Minho, who didn't hesitate to text him the number of the room. Felix then found it and stood in front of the door. He took a deep breath and knocked.


Chan, Jisung, and Changbin finally got on stage, the older of the three sat behind the battery, ready to play, Changbin took the bass, and Han got the guitar and the mic. Minho kept his eyes on him. Jisung looked good, better than ever. He was born to be on the stage thought Minho looking at how bright the younger's face was. He was happy.

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