Chapter 25: More Losses

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A few days had passed since Girlfriend was stabbed by the love of her life. Since then the corruption has gotten worse with each passing day. More than half of the world's population has been corrupted with many of them being the people I had known in this world.

Currently I was sitting on a chair besides Girlfriend's hospital bed. After she got treatment, she went into a deep coma and has not woken up. Part of me thinks it was my fault for not watching her carefully, I understand she was worried but I shouldn't have trusted her with saving the kid.

I lift up my head when I heard the door open, it turns out Carol, Kasetto and Sunday were here to visit Girlfriend.

Carol: Oh Hank! I didn't expect you to be here

Hank: Why is that?

Carol: Well I thought you would be.....

Hank: Figuring out on how to send that Lemon to the shadow realm?

Carol: Y-Yes

Hank: Well unfortunately I can't because I need it to just be me and him fighting with no interruptions.

Kasetto: [Remembers the Explosions] Yep

Hank: And then I'll use my Executioner Form to beat the fucking shit out of him where he would regret every action he has committed up to this point before ending his miserable life with an honest to God smile on my face

Carol: [Speechless] O-Okay.....


Sunday: [Yawns] ~_~ Cool....

Hank: So? How have you three been?

Carol and Kasetto sit on the chairs on the left side of Girlfriend while Sunday sits next to me on the right. I realise that Sunday had brought a blanket with her......what the hell?

Kasetto: Well it is somewhat the end of the world so....I'm doing good

Carol: I find it hard because I had lost Whitty to the corruption two days ago, I luckily got away with help from your friend Christoff

Hank: Really? Damn, I'm sorry for your loss Carol.

Carol: It's okay I know this will be stopped one day and I'll get him back.

Hank: Yeah....But that Christoff...I'm honestly not surprised he was the one to save you.

Kasetto: Why is that?

Hank: Back in Nevada he was known as The Saviour because he purged the wicked. He would always do his job to fulfilling that role of a saviour. Gettimg rid of threats and stopping any sort of madness....and soon it will be my turn

Carol: What do you mean?

Hank:.....You'll see

All of a sudden, Sunday was full on out and rested her head on my lap while hugging her blanket. I was confused by this but allowed her, I even patted her head which got her to smile.

Carol: Aww that's so cute!

Kasetto: Hey Hank, I have noticed that you would be always visiting the hospital lately.

Hank: How do you know?

Kasetto: [Lightly Blushes] W-Well I always turn up to your base and ask Deimos or Sanford if you're here but they mention how you were at the hospital

Hank: And why are you always looking for me?

Carol: [Smugly] Yes Kasetto, why are you always looking for Hank?~

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