Chapter Forty-Eight

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The conversation lightened again as they found their way back to the dining area. Along the way, Elsine wondered if Kannon would be patient enough to wait for them to return. She was pleased to see he was still seated in the same spot as when they had left― nursing an almost empty glass of faerie wine. Ander didn't look pleased that Kannon had stuck around.

Elsine blinked away from the heated glance he sent her from under his curls. The princess squeezed Ander's arm. "It was wonderful to talk with you."

"It was a pleasure," he replied, bending to brush his lips over her cheek again before he said goodnight and left. He didn't spare Kannon even a glance.

"How charming," Kannon drawled, swirling his wine as his cutting gaze followed the other prince. Elsine walked to stand next to him, half leaning and half sitting on the edge of the table as she raised a brow at him. He looked like there was more he wanted to say. Leaning his chair back as he lifted the wine glass to his full lips, his head tilted back so that his eyes could gaze at her. She had the urge to tap the bottom of his glass so he would spill but she refrained. However, the image of the rich maroon liquid rushing over his face and doublet was satisfying. She smiled sweetly at him. Polishing off his glass he set it down and stood up― his leg brushing hers as he moved to stand in front of her. A shiver of awareness shot up the princess's spine.

"Can you stroll?" She asked after clearing her throat, wondering if he had overindulged.

"I am only tipsy, my Lady, I can do more than stroll if you wished it," he assured her, one corner of his mouth lifting. Her cheeks flamed again. He was always forward but tonight was worse. She tried not to think about what he was insinuating.


Straightening she paused― waiting for him to offer his arm so she could take it. He reached for her hand instead, his long fingers softly slipping against her palm as he intertwined their fingers. Elsine looked at their hands and her heart sped at the warmth the simple touch spread through her. Looking back up at him she searched his face for teasing or mischief, but he just looked at her like he liked her company and the way her hand fit inside his. Which made her heart flutter and feel all the more confused. When he pulled her gently forward toward the gardens she followed. He stopped at a bench and held her hand as she lowered herself to sit and followed suit. Resting their hands on his leg.

Elsine glanced at him and let herself look at the way the moonlight caressed the angular edges of his face and illuminated the curve of his mouth. His head bent as he studied her hand in his, turning it over and then running his thumb over hers. He looked contemplative.

"What are you thinking?" She asked softly, afraid she would chase away this real show of emotion and he would go back to teasing or saying scandalous things to hide his true feelings away.

To her surprise, he didn't hesitate or tease his way around the answer. "That I hate feeling jealous." He blinked, looking surprised. Elsine held her breath as she thought of the earrings. His jade eyes slid to look at the princess and she smiled apologetically. In truth, she didn't know what he could be jealous about. She hadn't kissed the others as she had kissed him and though she tried not to let it happen, he stole her attention even in group settings. When his gaze dropped to her lips, she thought he would kiss her now, but he looked back out over the garden that even in the moonlight was colorful and full where it surrounded a gently bubbling fountain.

Elsine tugged gently on his fingers. "Tell me more of your thoughts."

He smiled at that; his fingers squeezed hers in answer to the tugging. It was then that she saw a little of the mischief come back into his face. "Are you sure you wish to know?" She nodded, though now that he asked her tummy flipped to think what might come out of his mouth. "Wishes for secrets, little mouse. Tell me a wish and I will share a secret."

**Edited Kylie R. Trask 2022**

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