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Cookie POV

I sit down and smile.I'm soo relaxed and nothing can break my mood.At least that's what I thought.that was until I heard Luscious,"Awe shit just when I get happy.Here he comes again messing with my mood."
"What happened boo??"I asked.

I walk over and Luscious yanks me in his lap."You read for yourself hun.."he says.I look at the email from....

Billy Beretti
Subject:Hey Luscious now you said I can't affect you no more??Well I fucked Cookie last night and a couple of hours ago and her pussy was soo good all she did was moan Beretti or Billy all night!"

He then posted a pic of me and luscious fucking??Idiot he didn't even blur Luscious out.I look at Luscious and I can tell Billy's failed attempt to get Lu to think I cheated on him."Wow that's so pathetic and bitchy."I exclaim.

Luscious grabs my face and kisses me "You are mine okay!I knew he always wanted you but he will never have you EVER!"Luscious exclaims.

I smile aww he's jealous and he doesn't want Beretti yo try and claim me.Yet little did Beretti know I was fucking Luscious at the times he said or just plain with him.So I couldn't have been with Billy.

I decide I will give him a piece of my mind."Imma give Billy a piece of ma mind."I say as I begin typing.

To Billy
Hey I honestly thibk this is pathetic and one I can see me in the picture fucking Cookie.Also Oddly enough I was fucking Cookie when you were said to have fucked her so HA!!

I looked at the email and hit send staring at Luscious.
"I love you babe"Lu says and I smile."I love ya too babe."I kiss and make out with Luscious then start planning tour dates and recording times while Lu helps me.

~~Time Skip~~
Luscious POV

Malcolm runs in,"Mr.Lyon Billy is on the premises and demands to see you."
"Ask what he needs!"I watch the security screen and see Billy argue with Malcolm and try to push him out the way and then pulls out his gun on a cop."Move I need to see Luscious!"
"I refuse to let you do that now sir,"jack replies. Apparently that irritated Billy so he tried to shoot Jack and shot Malcolm in the foot he was immediately arrested and said"Luscious I killed your father and I found out you were his kid and now I'll kill you!"

Later on that week I testified against Billy Beretti and he is now serving a life sentence in prison.Uhhh with all that work I need a vacation.I decide I wanna go to a costal place or island like The Bahamas or Sri Lanka.

"Hey Cookie I'm gonna take you and I to the Bahamas and we are gonna chill while the sons and Vernon watch over Empire.Would you wanna go with me Boo??I'll have Porsha and Becky look over everything whaddya say??"

"Alright let's go",I say and we leave to pack.

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