Aurora Simone Lyon

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Cookie POV

Luscious and I was playin' checkers and I smile.I'm big enough to pop and I'm in the third trimester which means the baby is due any day now.Today is Halloween and I sent the kids to give me candy.I went to get a bag of chips when my water broke.I started panicking and then tried to calm myself down. "LUSCIOUS my water broke!"

He grabs me and gets my already packed bag from the top of the stairs.We get in the escalade and drive off to Methodist Hospital.I am being wheeled to the laboring and resting area.They put me in a room afraid for Luscious.

As I was about to have to start doing and pushing it out ,he bursts in the room."I'm here at first they wouldn't let me but they're okay now."
"Okay hold my hand and kiss me."
He pecks me on the lips and the doctor tells me it's time to push.I push and push and it's exhausting.Then I push again and we hear the baby. "Mr and Mrs.Lyon I can see the baby's head that means you need to push NOW!"he days marking he time.I begin to push and they get the baby and clean him up."Luscious you are not getting me knocked up Anymore this is 5 kids Lu I give."i say and point to him."You're getting fixed cuz if not I'll be 60 with 9 kids and will be pregnant and THAT'S NOT gonna happen.But thanks for being there with me."I say and he leans down and kisses me."Cookie it's a girl.What was your name again?".I reach out for her and smile and she is a quiet calm baby.Has her daddy written all over her. Her name is

~Aurora Simone Lyon~

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