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Cookie POV

I wake up and look and see we are on the plane.I'm going to miss this place,we had so much fun.I loved coming here but it's time we come home.You'll never know how many people are coming for our crown.I start to think of our honeymoon.Flashbacks;
~"Cookie come on we're going to go snorkeling as much as I love being cooped up in here and having sex with you we can do that later."I chuckle at his words."alrightt Luscious imma put kn my bathing suit."I yell. and put on my peach bathing suit.I smile and look at the stringy bottom.I wonder what fish we'll see.I walk out and everytime looking at Luscious and I stare.You'd think I'd be used to seeing his sexy ass but I'm not.I notice neither is Luscious.I smirk and twirl "You like??"i ask and he gets those looks in his eyes."uh nope nuh uh,no nookie right now I am not about to get cleaned up for the Fourth time.This time we are actually going somewhere ok!" Lu chuckles and pulls me close."Fine but tonight I'm tearing yo ass outta the frame damn you're gorgeous."I smile and climb on his back."come on take me wherever we are going and not in that way ya nasty."He carries me to the beach and puts on my gear.He looks serious and I just gaze at him.Someone so beautiful can come from one of the darkest places in the country.I thank god every day for him.He throws me over his shoulder.He smirks and chucks me in the water and I dive and hide.I swim behind a rock and marvel at it's beauty.I look at all the fish and I see clownfish,coral fish and yellow tailed black-tailed fish.Woww this is amazingly beautiful.I look and see Luscious swimming.we swim around for a while.

We were skydiving but my limit is 500 feet 'cuz I don't do this.I was shocked Luscious suggested this.For someone so cautious this is crazy.We jump together with this guy named Joe.He was old kind of but looked like a daredevil grandpa.He jumped with us and 25 feet from the ground we pulled our parachutes and I screamed I couldn't tell if I was slowing down.oh shitt I'mma die.Yet in 20 seconds my feet hit the ground and I collapsed.I kissed the ground then wiped my lips off."Luscious I'm never doijg that shit again." "ok babydoll".End Of Flashback

I smile at Luscious as he is talking to the pilot and talking about basketball.I smile as he moves.Damn the nigga is so graceful wow been thinking about this nigga for hours.

Luscious POV
I think of how I finally got my Cookie Jar back.Wow she means a lot to me.She belongs to me and I refuse to let anyone take her.She is mine and I love her so much.I think of her lovely face and what a freak she is.She got it honest she got it from her "Daddy"<😂😂>man She gave me such a lovely family.I'd never give em up for the world.I know i act like a class A asshole but I don't mean to.I try to make sure they choose the right path so they don't get hurt but it turns our wrong how I usually do it.I've gotten over Jamal's sexuality and him being gay.Honestly he's right it doesn't change anything except for who he sleeps with at night.That whoever he fucks is none of my business anyways so I misewell let it go.
I was proud of him for standing up me like that.He acted like a man and I am proud of him.Andre is doing better with the bipolar disorder and him and Rhonda are getting a divorce.Yet they are just friends now.Now he is with Michelle and she is with some Robert guy.Yet she is still part of the family just isn't around that much.

Cookie,Porsha and Carol are like the 3 Musketeers and I smile.The always out buyin' something and gossiping.Cookie always has been the Queen Bee.She treats Tiana like her daughter and her and Hakeem are engaged he proposed the other day.I'm happy for them and nobody gonna interrupt his love for her or vice versa.When a lyon loves someone nobody can get in the way.

Damn Cookie gave me my world and I love her.I daze out and snap back to reality.Bill taps me "Luscious did you hear me or are you thinking about Cookie?"he says with a smile.He has known me and Cookie for a while."Go get her tiger"

I go walk over to Cookie and I kiss her,"hey boo"I say.She smiles and hey Luscious wanna watch tv with me?"we watch tv and hang out all day and night.

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