Getting Rid Of Malcolm and Anika✊✌️

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Cookie POV

Anika walks in with Malcolm and I see they are all wrapped around each other.This can't be good and Malcolm smiles "Cookie I'm sorry for doing this he says and shoots at me.I scream and dive behind the counter and they don't advance.I look under he sink and find my gun when Anika hits me in the back of the neck with a pan.Yikes that hurt she has me at gunpoint and Malcolm is just watching.She has the gun pointed to my head and I wonder "where the fuck is Luscious at!!"She tries to shoot me when I hit her hand .I stomp on her foot and duck and the bullet hits Malcolm knocking him down and he might be dead.Anika then tries to shoot me again and I run towards Malcolm's hand and take the gun.She advances on me and I yell stay back and she yells."luscious is supposed to be mine and then Luscious yells stop Anika or I'll shoot,leave Cookie alone.She points the gun at him and runs trying to truck him and He shoots her and I cry shocked at the night I just had.I call 911 and they watch the tape.Just as they were about to leave Malcolm gets up and limps towards the door.They patch his chest up and put him in custody."Mr.DeVeaux you are now under arrest for the attenpted murder of Luscious and Cookie Lyon,possesion of marijuiana and drugging if Anika Calhoun and responsible for her death.They drag him away and I kiss Luscious "I don't wanna ever lose you no matter what I'll always be by your side." "agreed I love you Cooks".
"love you too Lu."We kiss and close the door going upstairs and go to bed after an eventful day.

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