....💓💓....WELCOME TO JINGSHI....💓💓....

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For the fucking fifth time, Wei Wuxian was heading to the seamstress in the last two months or so. Jiang Cheng was walking beside him, scowling as usual and unusually tensed.

Wei Wuxian understood his Shidi, really, he did.

With his marriage a week away, it's no doubt that Jiang Cheng is getting more and more antsy.

The seamstress pinched his cheeks playfully as he was putting on his robes for the final time before his wedding.

They were leaving tomorrow and Wei Wuxian was fucking tired of all the etiquette and manners he had been forced to follow by Yu-Furen. Cloud Recesses had rules, like actual written rules, and Wei Wuxian was already dreading staying there for a prolonged period of time....

"Jiang Cheng! Stop with that face! Yu-Furen has punished you thrice this month!" Wei Wuxian shook his brother who pushed him away grumpily.

"I don't care what A-Niang does right now Wei Wuxian! How can I let you marry that....that... Ice block!" Jiang Cheng roared as his ears almost stood up in anger.

Wei Wuxian wanted to laugh and cry. 

Jiang Cheng was truly worried for him but Wei Wuxian cannot say that they are having a sham marriage, can he? Jiang Cheng blurts out about everySINGLEthing he knows when drunk! What if he tells anyone else?

"Aiyah, Jiang Cheng! Look at you! I am grown up, ba. What can Lan Wangji even do to me there? Besides I have Lan-Shushu and Xichen-Ge there to protect me ok? Now, smile, for fuck's sake!" Wei Wuxian said to his brother, poking him with Suibian.

Jiang Cheng opened his mouth to reply but eventually shuts up.

No matter how much he tries, Wei Wuxian was always meant to go.


"Wei Wuxian! Why is your robes like that? And you hair? Who did it for him!?" Yu Ziyuan immediately shouted!

The servants flinched and immediately ushered Wei Wuxian to redo his hair. Jiang Cheng anxiously watched from the sidelines, helpless.

They were travelling to Gusu today, just in time for the wedding. Jiang Yanli was meeting them there, directly.

Wei Wuxian came out, his robes straightened and hair in an elaborate makedo and Yu Ziyuan's fury lessened.

"Well, he looks acceptable atleast. Let's get going. Wei Wuxian, you are riding in the Sedan. A-Cheng, stay beside him till Hanguang-Jun takes him away, atleast," she said to Jiang Cheng who nodded immediately.

Wei Wuxian wanted to sigh but stopped himself and smiled for his brother.

Yu Ziyuan was hard on Jiang Cheng everytime, until one fateful day. Lan Qingming was visiting and coincidentally saw the two boys sparring and Wei Wuxian had won by a close line.

Yu Ziyuan had snapped at Jiang Cheng with no mercy until Lan-Zongzhu dared to step in.

"Jiang-Furen," he said coldly and everyone knows NOT to call Yu Ziyuan that, "What is the meaning of comparing Jiang-Gongzi with A-Xian? A-Xian cultivates differently and if I am not mistaken, Jiang-Gongzi is a rare white tiger that was only seen twice among the Jiangs' ancestry. Why would you berate such an outstanding child for a loss in sparring?" 

Jiang Cheng was holding back tears by the end of it and Wei Wuxian dared to grin in the face of Yu Ziyuan's fury. Jiang Cheng was indeed a rare white tiger species, said to be direct descendants of one of the Four Holy Creatures, the White Tiger.

ONE ARRANGED MARRIAGE.....♥️♥️♥️♥️Where stories live. Discover now