🍀🍀???THE ANTIDOTE???🍀🍀

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Dinner was filled with silence. Wei Wuxian glanced between the four people worriedly. 

Wen Qing was Wen Ruohan's niece and a high ranking Wen, right after Wen Xu and Wen Chao. The implications of finding Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian in her house when a poison just broke out in the cultivation world would be horrible.

"Lan-Er-Furen, stop eating that. It's way too spicy," Wen Qing spoke suddenly, stopping Wei Wuxian's sneaky hands.

Wei Wuxian met Lan Wangji's glare and laughed nervously. 

Life has been hard since he got pregnant.

The only good thing was, Lan Wangji has become so much careful and gentle towards him. Wei Wuxian really wants to kiss him.

Later that night, after they retired to their guest room, Wei Wuxian summoned all of his past shamelessness and climbed into Lan Wangji's lap, locking his arms around his neck, grinning mischievously.

Lan Wangji's eyes darkened as he put his arms around Wei Wuxian's waist.

"What does the baby want now?" Lan Wangji asked, familiar with the routine. From the past few weeks, Wei Wuxian has been like this in the name of their child.

Wei Wuxian smiled brightly.

"A kiss!" He said, without any hesitation.

Lan Wangji's hold tightened. Hm. This was new.

"The baby does? Or is it Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji whispered beside his ear as Wei Wuxian trembled slightly.

Wei Wuxian's cheek was bright red as he kept quiet.

Lan Wangji smiled dotingly and lifted his chin, planting a kiss on those tempting lips. Wei Wuxian moaned happily as his mouth was pried open and thoroughly kissed. Lan Wangji squeezed his ass, desire scorching inside him rapidly.

"Lan Zhan! Please.....," Wei Wuxian begged as Lan Wangji nibbled at his nape.

"Please what, Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji teased.

"You! You! Just... Touch me!" Wei Wuxian stammered.

"I am touching you," Lan Wangji said, not giving in.

Wei Wuxian grit his teeths as Lan Wangji caressed him slowly, not properly touching him at all, that devil of a husband.

"Hey! Are you doing it or not? If not, I am sure there are plenty of-" Wei Wuxian was cut off as Lan Wangji pulled him closer to himself.

"You don't want to complete that sentence," Lan Wangji glared, holding Wei Wuxian by his hips.

Wei Wuxian smirked as he felt the hard cock against his hole. 

Lan Wangji was a dragon through and through. Jealous and possessive, huh.

"Since Wei Ying is begging for it," Lan Wangji said positioning Wei Wuxian on his dick, "he will get it."

Wei Wuxian moaned loudly when Lan Wangji entered him. It has been so long since he felt it. It seemed like Lan Wangji had grown bigger.

Lan Wangji panted heavily as he thrusted into Wei Wuxian, pleasure clouding his senses.

"Oh! Oh! So good... Ahh... NH...nghh... Ahhh yes! Yes! There, Lan Zhan!" Wei Wuxian moaned, egging the other man more.

Lan Wangji kissed him silent. After all, they were still in someone else's home.

Wei Wuxian wrapped his arms around Lan Wangji, and kissed back letting each other's spiritual energy flow into the other.

Lan Wangji thrusted into Wei Wuxian till he came with a cry before emptying his load inside him.

They fell into the bed, exhausted, still connected down there.

Wei Wuxian was already tired from the journey and fell asleep immediately. Lan Wangji stared at him for a moment longer, so pliant in his arms, before silently getting up to clean him.

"Good night, Wei Ying."


The next morning, Wei Wuxian met Wen Qing's knowing gaze and wanted to crawl into a hole.

Lan Wangji, on the other hand ws nonchalant, his reason being they were 'married'. Wei Wuxian wanted to kick and kiss him at the same time for his attitude..

Breakfast was a silent affair after which the three of them returned home. Lan Yawen returned to Haideng and the two of them to Gusu.

Life went on as usual for the next few weeks. Wei Wuxian gradually gained a bit of a bump at almost 5 months. Lan Wangji was anxious all the time; ensuring Wei Wuxian's needs. 

Both of them still bickered all the time, except with the misunderstanding gone, their relationship had become a lot closer.

The poison cases were growing slowly, not as effective as the last time from a decade ago. 

Until one day, Wen Qing wrote to them.

She had found the antidote.

It was hidden among the many, many books in Qishan Wen's library and underneath the antidote was her mother's signature.


"Will Wen Ruohan let her give out the antidote for free? I don't think so!" Wei Wuxian remarked when he finished the letter.

Lan Wangji's brows were tightened and face dark.

Wei Wuxian turned silent upon the realisation that Lan-Furen was indeed accused falsely, if the entire drama was orchestrated by her younger sister in her name.

Wei Wuxian hesitated before shifting towards his husband and pulling Lan Wangji into a hug gently. Lan Wangji's eyes widened before drooping down. He wrapped his arms around the other man, none of them saying anything.

"Lan Zhan, you are allowed to be sad and angry. Don't hold back," Wei Wuxian whispered and soon after he felt his shoulders getting wet.

Wei Wuxian's heart ached for the man in his arms but he couldn't say anything but hold him.

But now that the antidote was found, they have to save the people dying from the disease. They have to find out that the heck is Wen Ruohan planning, doing this same drama 16 years later once again....


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