💔💔!!....THE PAST(2)....!!💔💔

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Two days before Lan Zhan's sixth birthday, Lan Qingming, Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren went on to an emergency conference in Lanling.

More and more people were dying and the cultivation world was in an uproar.

On Lan Zhan's birthday, Lan Huan, Lan Xiuying and Wei Ying celebrated his birthday with him. Lan Zhan happily sat between all of them as they took out all the gifts they had prepared.

"A-Ying doesn't have a gift for A-Zhan?" Lan Xiuying teased.

Wei Ying laughed.

"Haha! Xiu-Jie it's a secret!" He cheekily said, winking at Lan Zhan who blushed.

Later that evening, the two kids sneaked out, holding hands, as they moved towards Jingshi.

Lan Zhan was confused at first, but his eyes shone brightly when he realised where they were going!

It has been two months since he met his mother. Shufu has strictly forbidden them from approaching Jingshi at any cost. Lan Zhan would often tell Wei Ying that he missed his mother. So, Wei Ying decided to let Lan Zhan meet her on his birthday.

Somehow, the two kids made it to Jingshi unnoticed.

The door was slightly ajar and it was dead silent inside the house. Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan who nodded at him before they stepped inside.

Unfortunately, the two had chosen the worst time to meet Shen Meili. In the midst of a violent Qi-deviation and without any of her five senses, Shen Meili attacked whoever's presence she felt near her.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying stood rooted to the ground, terrified as they saw Shen Meili, eyes red, and hair unkempt, approaching them.

Wei Ying realised something was wrong and dragged Lan Zhan outside as fast as he could. Following the disturbance, Shen Meili went after them, muttering to herself like a mad woman.

The kids were hardly 5 or 6 years old and panicked.

Lan Zhan remembers seeing the glare of a spiritual sword coming their way and pushing his friend away before a sharp pain spread throughout his body. He felt like he was dying from the pain and could hear Wei Ying crying loudly. He sees Wei Ying bodily push his mother off as much as his tiny arms could before dragging the huge sword from her, in his hands in defence against her. 

His mother was crying in pain, holding her head and then.... Lan Zhan closed his eyes.


Wei Ying could no longer see the white robes Lan Zhan was wearing. Instead it was dyed red. In the middle of the courtyard there was only the three of them. Panicked grey eyes shifted to Lan Zhan as Wei Ying tried to shake him and wake him up.

"Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan! What happened? I am scared! Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying cried, one hand still on the huge sword, lying on the ground, in defense.

He glanced at Lan-Furen who was clutching her head, blood dripping from her eyes and shuddered.

He couldn't leave Lan Zhan alone here and the Jingshi was too isolated for people to notice what was happening. Still he shouted as much as he could, just in case the patrolling disciples would notice.

Wei Ying hugged Lan Zhan's shoulder and his heart shook when he felt cold. His A-Niang had taught him that when someone feels extremely cold....it means they are dying....

Wei Ying's tears dropped in fear as his tails twitched frantically, expressing his distress.

He only wished ..... If Lan Zhan would be fine, then he is ready to give up everything he has..

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