🐢🐢...IN A CAVE...🐢🐢

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Lan Wangji walked beside Wei Wuxian who was awfully silent. He felt his anger rising whenever he thought of that man anywhere close to Wei Wuxian. Yesterday, when he saw Wei Wuxian so close to another man, he almost lost his mind.

A great deal of it came from being a dragon. But, Lan Wangji silently admitted that it was not enough for such a reaction. 

"Wei Ying....Should we return?" Lan Wangji finally asked.

"Hmmm? Ah... No, I am fine, say Lan Zhan, does your library have books on us?" Wei Wuxian asked, referring to his animal spirit.

Surprisingly, Lan Wangji shook his head.

"No. You are the first nine-tailed fox I have seen and heard of," he said. Well, there was also Wei Ying's mother but he knew about her only after knowing his supposed betrothed from his father.

"Really? Not a single book? If you Lans don't have anything information on me, how does Wen Ruohan have?" Wei Wuxian mumbled but Lan Wangji heard him pretty clearly.

"What does Wei Ying suspect?" He asked, a bit nervous. No wonder, that man was so fervently after his husband.

"I don't know. Wen Ruohan knows a lot more about my powers than anyone else. I haven't fully revealed my powers anytime, either," he said silently.

If Wen Ruohan knows about his race's unique power, no wonder he was after it.

Suddenly, an ominous feeling arose in Wei Wuxian's heart and he instinctively looked at the sky. Lan Wangji followed his gaze and the two stood in shock witnessing a large bird descending upon them. 

Wei Wuxian knew it was pretty late to summon a sword and attack whatever it was, given it's speed and simply dragged Lan Wangji alongwith him into a narrow cave entrance. The bird descended and flapped it's huge wings incessantly.

"It's.... It's a Zhenniao?" Wei Wuxian asked, shocked. Thank God, they didn't fight it head on! If they were accidentally poisoned...

(Zhenniao- A poisonous bird in Chinese mythology)

"Lan Zhan! You aren't poisoned, right? Let me see, first!" Wei Wuxian anxiously turned to him. They had rolled into the narrow cave and their robes were dirty alongside some small scratches. Thankfully, neither were hurt.

The Zhenniao was still outside, yet couldn't come in because the mouth of the cave was quite narrow.

Wei Wuxian slumped down on the ground, furiously cursing Wen Xu! If not a phoenix, who would dare let a Zhenniao after them!

"I am sorry Lan Zhan. It's my fault that we are trapped here," Wei Wuxian lowered his head.

"How is it Wei Ying's fault?" Lan Wangji shook his head gently, posture relaxing. How many times will he get the chance to be alone with Wei Wuxian like this? Shouldn't he try to improve their relationship?

However, they soon discovered that they were definitely not alone in the cave. After the night hunt, they both were appropriately exhausted and decided to look for another way out of the cave and went deeper. Unexpectedly, the cave was a complex maze and they were....lost.

As if that wasn't enough of a misfortune, they provoked a giant beast which was probably hibernating there. Wei Wuxian had simply wanted to check if the water could be used. Who knew a huge tortoise would be disturbed because of him.

If it was not due to Lan Wangji quickly pulling him away to safety, his head would have been bitten off.

"What the hell is that thing? What in the world is Qishan Wen doing?" Wei Wuxian panted, as he leaned against Lan Wangji.

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