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Ua has a villian reform program
Villian demi
Partially insane demi
Y/c has to watch demi

Trigger warner for: authority abuse, school abuse, bullying, sleep deprivation, starving, harsh punishment, isolation, self harm, shock collar. Yeah this one is highly triggering

Demi was a villian. Heavy on the was part. Now she was a hero in training at ua high in the villian reformation program. It was alot less fun then it sounded, but hey it was better then jail. At least thats what she first thought. If anything it was worse. The abuse from her peers, from the teachers, shit the only person she felt like actually pretended to care was recovery girl. The only women would give her extra candy and little snacks after healing her, which was everyday, she was forced to participate in the hero training but denied access to her quirk, meaning she had to go up against an entire team of kids quickless, her teammates just used her as a scape goat and a distraction if anything wwnt wrong or they needed to get around the opposite team. It was tiring and she was fed up. Currently she was just sitting at a table in the cafeteria and trying to wat her food when the usual group of kids came over and knocked her food over, throwing it on the floor and harassing her. She didn't do anything though, knowing that if she even looked at them, they would start screaming and crying and then bzzt, she would get  attacked by the shock collar they forced her to wear. So she just went without eating, again. She was tired of this shit. She hadn't eaten in 5 days or slept. Hopefully recovery girl had meat buns today. Later that day during training she was stuck with y/c, who in her opinion was probably the calmest of their classmates. Sure they didn't try and stop the bullying or abuse of the other kids but they also didn't actively abuse her so they were ok.


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