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Birthday girl demi

Today was Demi's birthday and frankly she was excited. She couldn't wait for it. Especially sense she had heard her friends planning a big party. She was excited to be able to hang out with them all day considering it was a weekend and she headed down from her dorm, seeing the usual early birds and a few others who were still half asleep. She went to the kitchen to get some food, not really expecting anything. She got herself some food and then went to sit on the couch and eat, grabbing the remote and putting on some cartoons. I mean it is her birthday, she should be allowed to watch what she wants, right? Nope. Iida came in and scolded her for watching cartoons, changing the channel for a nature documentary. "Geez, rude" she muttered and pouted, but settled on watching the documentary, not wanting to cause a fuss so early in the morning. The next few hours consisted of demi just kinda hanging around the common room and her friends, although almost all of them seemed kinda distant and a little harsh today for some reason. Not one person had even mentioned happy birthday by lunch time. "Hey guys, do you know what day it is?" She asked the group gathered on the couch.  "Wednesday?" One said said "june 29th" y/c answered. "Yeah...anything special today?" She asked, hoping maybe it had just slipped their minds or something. "Uhh....oh it's trash day, thanks for reminding us demi" y/c said and got up, going to take out the trash. Demi paused, did...did they forget? Did they forget her birthday? No, no these guys are her best friends, her second family, they wouldn't forget. Right? She frowned and muttered something like 'yeah sure' before heading up to her room. "They forgot my birthday" she muttered sadly, passing by y/c. She went into the elevator and glared at the ground, hitting the button for her floor. Y/c glanced back at her hearing her mention her birthday. It wasn't her birthday, was it? They wondered.


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