If they not...

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If they not going to change
They're never going to change
And you can't expect them to change
People only change when they want to
For people they want to change for
And if they won't change for you
They don't want you
So why hold onto them?
Why want them when they clearly don't want you
They don't deserve you
Like they think you don't deserve them
And chasing after them just makes them not want you even more
So really there is no point in trying to glue everything together cause in the end they'll just tear it apart
So this is where I tried to give things a chance but the more I did the more it would cause even more damage
And so I say you know what I tried but if they don't value me that's their loss not mine
And just like they don't care for me the feeling is mutual

『m』『e』『?』『?』Part #2Where stories live. Discover now