This took a turn (controversy)

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Life is in that place now where we all get censored if we express ourselves in a way others or the majority do not like. Freedom of speech? What's that? says the masses. When we say things and agree to disagree (respectfully, I am not saying tip toe, I don't want you to walk on eggshells cause I feel like I am too, don't worry, just there are nicer ways to give truthful or opinionated responses, you can say things you feel without being hurtful unless you dealing with snowflakes, those are a headache to deal with), have different outlooks on life and opinions sometimes others can't handle that and for those people who are famous your fans can either be on your side cause they agree with you or get offended and cancle you, cancle culture being one of the internets hobbies. Politics, religion, culture, race all of this are war zones but I'm not here to talk about that. (I would mention gender but I feel that topic is irrelevant, (warning controversy) (I am sorry my intrusive thoughts made me go off) there are only 2 genders (male and female) 'scientifically speaking' it has nothing to do with social gender roles given to us by society but everything to do with science and X and Y chromosomes, this is from a thing we studied in primary school up until high school called biology or life science, and it occurs in the animal kingdom as well (human beings fall under the animal kingdom too, for those who might not have known, under the category of mammals and the only thing that makes us different from the rest of the animals that share this world with us is that we think we are superior :D), and for the record I am not transfobic for spitting facts and if you are an adult who transitioned I don't hate you, we all free to be who we want and love who we love (unless you love minors cause that is a big no, illegal and predatory behavior) just please stop putting transgender women in competitions with women, same goes for transgender men don't put them in competitions with men, make them their own competitions section so it can be fair and also make them their own public toilets and facilities, same goes for transgender men make them their own spaces so we can avoid safety issues and misunderstandings etc (do not say I am discriminating cause I'm not, in fact I'm providing fair ways of inclusivity without causing a war, if people really did care for you they'd go out of their way to make you bathrooms and public spaces and not go on saying oh but that is too expensive, to make a transgender woman and transgender man bathroom or space, then to them I guess they don't think providing you with safe spaces and environments are necessary which it should be if they really were fighting along side you in your community as they apparently claim, why have they not sponsored making bathrooms or spaces like this for you? If they are an ally as many industries/companies claim they are, where is the go fund me for that? Or the charity organization for that? (It makes you think, huh? Or are they only showing support cause... capitalism)) also stop referring to women born women as Cis women, same goes for men, we just are what we are we don't need a 'label' to showcase what we just are and one more thing please don't bring children into it until they are able to actually comprehend and make their own decisions when they are 'adults', kid's brains still need time to develop you can't expect a child to make a decision that could change their life forever based on how they feeling now cause kids go through changes and fazes and it's normal and human to have these kinds of experiences, I'm not saying transitioning is a faze cause it's not but what I am saying is that children are indecisive and can change their minds and might later suffer cause they didn't have the time to think it through and also stop indoctrination just let people be, if they truely do feel different they'll change but I don't think pushing young kids into that is right, at least let their minds develop so they can truely understand the outcome of what changing means and requires and how they should be set in their decision so that they can live their best and happy life as an adult with no regrets of not thinking things through cause they were young and indoctrinated or pressured into it (using popularity, fame and attention as manipulation for young minds) and based on an old study I remember reading your mind is only fully developed at 25 (if I'm wrong I could be from another universe I remember reading about that in)) (okay I am done ranting and possibly would be cancled if I was famous as I most likely offended the LGBTQIA+ community with my exercise of freedom of speech which apparently I'm no longer allowed to have because if I don't agree with them or share their views/opinions I'm a bigot? Right?) (Nice to know there is no democracy, freedom of speech, right to opinions and no freedom of expression cause yes, the world is run by dictators who say we are free but if they have an agenda to push you can bet that the word freedom in any sense has no value as we are not free unless of course we agree with them) (how wonderful :D)

Sorry if I offended you and for my intrusive thoughts and if I hurt anyone this may have affected but I need to say what is on my mind. I am sorry but silence is suffocating me. And you bet I overthought everything and tried my best to not be disrespectful while still being honest so therefore if you are offended even after all of my most overthought ways of 'how to be honest while simultaneously trying hard not to be offensive' (because I'm a people pleaser who is walking on eggshells with a community that is scary to say the least if you've seen the extremist side of it) then I'm sorry to tell you but unfortunately you would be referred to as what the internet calls a snowflake.

Warning this is not hate speech or meant to be harmful but rather speaking ones mind. (You have no right to silence my thoughts) moving on...

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