CHAPTER 50 | the future

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WHEN KASUMI ANNOUNCED that the two were engaged, everyone was so happy for them. Jasmine warned Sokka that if he hurt her sister, she'd burn him alive. If it were anyone else, Sokka would just laugh it off, but sometimes he genuinely found the thirteen year old terrifying.

She didn't hate Sokka anymore, in fact, she was warming up to him. She still found him annoying from time to time. Sokka didn't dislike Jasmine one bit. He honestly really liked her, but did fear her a lot.

He was talking to Kasumi about future plans and they had decided, that they would both go to the Southern Water Tribe and rebuild it. Jasmine would stay in the Earth Kingdom, with her mother, aunt and grandmother. Kasumi had managed to get them a nice house in the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se, so they moved there and she helped them settle in. Lily, Han and their children would visit often, as well as Akio's family and even Toph.

On the flight to the Southern Water Tribe, Kasumi was sort of scared. She had never been to the place before. Was is really somewhere a firebender should be? Sokka had many Water Tribe garments custom made for her. She got two parkas, three tunics and two dresses, one long and one short.

Architects were hired to help the rebuilding of Wolf Cove, restoring it to how it was before the war. People from the Northern Water Tribe came down to help their sister tribe, and everything was going smoothly.

There was an election to see who would run the place, and Hakoda was elected to be chief. He was chief before, and the people still wanted him to lead them. A year later, Sokka knew that the place was stable, he and Kasumi both moved to the newly established Republic City.

It was a part of the Earth Kingdom, but now belonged all the nations, since it was the capital of the United Republic of Nations. Zuko and Aang had turned an area, which was a part of the Fire Nation colonies, into a neutral state where anyone from the four nations can live.

Sokka and Kasumi had bought an apartment there and they renovated it. It had a fireplace with a painting of the group over it, and comfy, plush sofas sitting around it. The kitchen was large and very shiny. They had everything they needed in there. There were six bedrooms and four bathrooms in the house, with their room, the master bedroom, including an en suite. The whole apartment was filled with beautiful plants, that Kasumi would water and take care of.

Sokka and Kasumi were both officially on Republic City's council and helped the city grow.


Kasumi wore a beautiful dress. It was made up of white silk, layered on top of each other. The long sleeves hit the ground and the dress itself trailed on the floor. She had a corset on top, baby pink with a white rose print, to accentuate her curves.

The skirt had many layers. Just rows of rows of silk and finally a thin layer of pink gossamer. The chest area of the dress had small pink roses lining it. Everytime she moved, the dress would shimmer softly, as if it was made of light.

Sokka hadn't even seen the dress before. Kasumi said she went wedding shopping with Katara and found a big fancy dress she wanted to wear. It was pricey, but they could afford it. Kasumi and Sokka were both part of Republic City's council, helping run the place. Sokka chose traditional Water Tribe groom clothes. It worked, since most of her dress was white.

He was very nervous, but so excited. What if things didn't go well? It had to. He would die if it didn't go the way that they planned. It was decided that the bride and her bridesmaids would arrive first and be taken to a special room, full of comfy, white furniture. The guests would go into the room and greet her, before going into the main hall and sitting down. Once the groom has arrived, he will stand at the wedding arch and wait for his bride to walk down the aisle.

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