6. In the Unknown

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"Moonlight Sonata" – Beethoven


"When you truly love someone, no matter the consequences to yourself.

No matter what you want,

You'll always want the best for them.

Even if you're not it."

"What the fuck..." Y/n groaned waking up in a daze, surrounded by only darkness. Attempting to move her body only to realize that she couldn't because of how she was tied up. It felt like she was reliving her first time with Tamaki, and this fucker had to go and ruin in. "You stay the f-fuck away from my memories..." she growled, scurrying backwards on the bed she was strapped to, to attempt at some distance. Though she really couldn't see him, and she couldn't go anywhere.

"No. I need to see more to get your soul mark." Souleater stated calmly.

"I didn't know you were the perverted type to look into those type of memories. Why do you have to go in so deep into my mind all the time..." Y/n breathed through the pounding headache.

How was he able to invade her mind so easily?

The question's been pressing on her since he started this relentless torture. She's seen him use so many different quirks already, she didn't know which one was his real one. It was rare to have more than one quirk. Extremely rare. Sure, there were the rare occasions like Pro-Hero Shouto (and still that didn't count) and Pro-Hero Deku as well as villain All-For-One that was defeated all those years ago. Still, having more than one was unheard of.

Y/n didn't know what his true power was and that irked her, because how else would she be able to escape? Well, that is if she wanted to, she always went back and forth on what she should do. What the right thing was for everyone.

Blinking away the pain, she saw a dark silhouette in the corner of the already dark room. Leaning on the far end of the room to keep his distance from her. If she could use her quirk, she would be able to see him. However, unfortunately with the quirk canceling cuffs it was impossible. Glancing around her surroundings, she remembered where she was. The room he shut her in when he first brought her here. At least he hadn't been a complete asshole and leave her on the cold floor. Surprisingly she was very comfortable with the bed she was on.

Actually... She's been comfortable in her stay here so far, other than him invading her mind.

If she could put a word to his behavior, it would be hospitable. Still, she knew he was only treating her like this to get something out of her as he's been telling her each night when he would do this, and she would beg him to stop.

Yes, she was still tied up but at least her body didn't ache. Expecting to wake up after the bright light, beat to death. On the contrary, she hadn't been touched other than putting the rope that was around her hands, along with quirk canceling cuffs, for every night she was stuck here.

Other than that, she was free to roam around in 'her' room. He would even feed her three times a day and gave her fresh clothes and toiletries whenever she needed to shower. Hell, just to keep her from getting bored he would always give her books.

Like, what villain does that?

"There's no point in telling you if you'll be dead once I'm done with you."

Huffing, Y/n replied coldly. "Why don't you enlighten me then? Usually, villains want to spew their evil plans the second they can. An origin into their villainy. Are you telling me you're too high and mighty for that?"

The Souleater (Tamaki Amajiki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now