Putting the Pieces Together

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I was finally back in New York after almost a month of being gone and it felt weird.

I decided the first place I was going was to see Peggy and then I would go from there. After saying goodbye to T'challa they dropped me off to see Peggy and I headed in. I sent a message to Bell asking her to make sure the Avengers and May were at the tower in about an hour so I could talk to all of them together after talking to Peggy.

I walked in and saw one of the nurses.

"Rebekah it is good to see you, She's been asking for you a lot. She's having a good day so go on in."

"Thank you" I walked over to her room and stood in the doorway and smiled at her.

"Hi, Peggy," I said and she looked at me and smiled.

"My little super spy has returned."

"That I have.

"You look happy, are you happy?"

"I am, I'm doing a lot better."

"The others came to see me, Tony said you were having a hard time, he didn't know how to help you. Steve told me he felt guilty for not seeing it."

"Well, I'm a pro at hiding things, you know that, I do feel bad about how I made them all feel."

"Sweetheart It is not your job to always worry about how everyone else is feeling at all times."

"I know and don't worry, while I have been gone I have been working through a lot of my problems and I feel really good about myself and who I am. No, I'm not 100% on who I am but I am getting there and that is all that really matters at this point in time. I just want to talk to them and let them know it is not on them. I held it all in thinking I was doing the right thing and I wasn't. I was not helping them or myself and I get that now. I need to let the people I love in."

"You sound more like yourself than you have the last few times you have been here."

"I feel more like myself, I feel good. I feel like I can laugh and smile, be able to have a good time and enjoy again because it has been a while since I have felt so free."

"I'm glad you are, just remember you are 22 you don't need to carry the world on your shoulders, that is not your job and you deserve to be as happy as you can."

"I know and I am going to do better with it. I need to let go of things I can't control."

"Now I can tell there is something else you want to talk to me about."

"I do, it's about Steve."

"He came to see me while you were gone."

"I heard that he was here."

"He told me that you were dating but he was not sure where you stood when you left."

"I don't really know right now. I want to be with him but I don't know if he will still want to be with me after all I put him through. Does it bother you that we started to date?"

"I have told you before that I want you to be happy, Like I told him, if you are happy together you should be together. I got my happy love story and I was happily married and had kids and have grandkids now. Now it is time for both of you to be able to move on and be happy. I moved on a long time ago and lived a beautiful life. I want that for him and you and If you find it together then that is all I could ask for, for both of you. I can tell you both care about each other a lot. You are both talking about one another all the time. If this is something that you both want, go for it. Don't let me or anyone else hold you back from what you want."

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